Thoughts are blobs, small bubbles which pop up before they either remain and vanish there in the mind or are converted into words or actions. We are often not conscious of the thoughts which we are about to say. Generally we do not wait to see if the thought that appears - which is about to channel out into a sound from the throat is going to be beneficial for oneself and for people around or not.
Just went through a situation where I was able to focus on the things that mattered most to me though there were many thoughts and reactions trying to appear in the Strata of the mind, subconscious mind. That brings an interesting possibility - the power to choose which thoughts are important and which aren't. Which needs to be delivered, which needs to be dissolved, and which needs to go out on paper with a pen - and then get into fire during the Maha Vasana Daha Tantra.
If the mind can concentrate and choose and focus on what really needs to be done - it leads to a situation where the mind is calm and at bliss even if the surroundings are in chaos. For this to function effectively in the long term - and anytime on demand - its important to practice regular meditation so that - at will the sadhaka can enter the Simshumbisi State - described in the Shum language. One feels all spine in this state, seen from the third eye - it looks like a column of light litting up the spine and branching out at the top and the bottom.
Being in Simshumbisi it is very easy to recognize thought blobs - and decide whether they are important - whether they need to be acted upon - or not. Jai Ganapathi.
Karmic Energy
Off late im able to observe the flow of karmic energies between myself and the people I interact with, it can give me a signal in advance whether the flow is going to be harmonious or not and based on that take action. I dont know since when but this perception of the flow of energies has just appeared and has been helping me to keep the pranic flow harmoniously in many meetings with people.
Aum Namah Sivaya !