Also known as Jagara Chittam in Sanskrit.
Feelings such as Love, Devotion, Selfless attitude, Concern for others, Desire to Enjoy and Be happy, Provide for others, Enhance Relationships - all these things are natural thoughts for people living in the conscious and subconscious mind.
all this is fine - but from my observation - the ego eventually hardens if a person lives too long in the conscious and subconscious mind. The way god has created the world (or mind which perceives the world) is on the principle of duality. There have to be opposites to even understand and appreciate anything. For example: There has to be sad feelings in the world in order to appreciate the good feelings. Otherwise who will care of good feelings? There has to be bad and good, darkness and light, happiness and misery - to even appreciate and understand the good aspects.
Coming back to the point - i have been observing that the more time i spend in the conscious mind circles - whether it be friends, relationships, relatives - sooner or later it has some kind of unfulfillment. The reason for this lack of fulfillment is not because of anybody else - its just because of the ego (an aspect of the mind. This aspect hardens everday and every hour the more time we spend on the conscious mind and subscious mind and take it for real.
To balance this out and get the right perspective is the beautiful practice of meditation where we relinquish the conscious mind and delve into other more refined aspects of the mind which are more real such as the superconscious and sub superconscious circles. Of course there is ramification in those state of mind too, the best practice is to meditate on awareness aware of itself and be there. Then one wont get attached to any particular state of mind and start finding it real.