Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Fear is not living in the now. Fear occurs when a memory of an experience of the past is projected to the future and a painful situation is imagined out of it.

You can't fear things that you don't know, therefore fear is a result of mind going to past, its a strong force which oscillates the mind between the past and then to future. an action is usually the outcome if the fear is deemed to be potentially serious.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Facing boredom

Facing boredom and going beyond the need for entertainment http://t.co/5SqwMdDM -- Gurudev_English (@Gurudev_English)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Memory => Desire/Fear => Action

An experience : while browsing through the world, I observe something which reminds me of a past memory. This memory is many years old stored in subconscious.

this memory triggered a thought which projected the memory into a future (imagination).

Soon after this a desire was formed to reenact the memory in the present.

That led to an action (which is actually a reaction of the past memory)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Be alive

When trying to solve a problem or reach a goal, act from the now and not from the mental patterns, the ego is like a CD, it plays what is recorded in past, there is no way it can change.

In the here and now have the goal of the action very clear & work towards it, but don't think of the result of achieving that goal. This is karma yoga.

An example: a soldier in the field launching a projectile towards a target should be focusing on getting the projectile angle right and acting from the now, if instead he thinks about the results such as he imagine the missile hitting the target, and he getting a medal from his president and so on he will mess it up. This is how many of us live life  everyday.

Acting in the now with the goal very clear is an expression of life, the use of will, in the now. It is an alive feeling. With the goal clearly in mind it is easy to concentrate on the same without getting distracted by thoughts which are linked. Getting constantly distracted is the main reason people fail in attaining their goals, the mind consumes us when we were distracted and there is no channelization of energy.

Experienced this first hand this Saturday !

Everything has it's place

Everything has its place in the world, repression has It's place, knowledge of the past has It's place, people who you hate, people who you love have their place : they are a reflection of how you see yourself, desire has it's place, internet and technology had its place, physical body and its demands has it's place, observation has its place, sublimation and transmutation of the creative forces have their place, devotion and meditation have their place. This beautiful world of Siva of opposites inspires me everyday as it leads to new discoveries everyday, every minute.

Observation becomes of paramount importance once the creative forces of the body are transmuted to a sufficient level, where the Will becomes transformed or assumes the position of a continuous observer (saakshi yoga)

The whole sadhana process is basically a preparation to discover oneself.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


There is no satisfaction in the senses and their enjoyments, the temporary fulfillment appears followed by the lack of fulfillment and emptiness leaving the mind for craving and a constant pursuit for pleasure in various avenues.

Gurudeva rightly describes the conscious mind as the donkey and the carrot.

The mind is constantly trying to find satisfaction in new content in

1. Songs.PK/Youtube - you hear a catchy newly heard song, you go and download it or watch it online on YouTube.  The habit builds up you end up downloading many songs, better, next song, next song, etc and you have lost a lot of time and the same lack of fulfillment is back after few days or weeks

2. FM Radio/TV: Same thing here except that you are now not only listening but also watching to the never ending ramifications in the stories and content by various writers coupled with artists trying to making their buck by overacting and the un-fulfillment is back

3. Chat: Met an old friend online, you exchange messages, you even meet up and have a couple drinks, not only talk about past memories and listen to mutual problems / interests, but also create some new memories, which leads to other consequences. A few days later you lose touch, the lack of fulfillment in meeting and catching up with friends is back.

4. Movies: See a lot of movies during holidays, each story is'nt really different from what you have already seen a 100 times in past movies. Back. End up boasting about it with friends

5. Career: Get a promotion/hike. You have a beer party, enjoy with friends, (end up making them jealous as well), after few days you wonder where you are going or whether you need to change your job :)

6. Car/Vehicle/Bike: Find a new car going across you or a friend bought recently, start doing research on what the features of the car (not how a new habit is getting created). There are many people I know who are so crazy about car and driving that they spend too much time even many many hours just discussing about the car features, they could have earned money had they been marketing for these cars in the company which made the car. After many hrs of discussion, back to real life, back to now and the lack of fulfillment is back. Meanwhile the guy who got the ideas about the car from this person is busy shelling out all hard earned money in buying one (inspired!)

7. Phone/Gadgets: There is always a better one coming every 3 months, always a better ROM available with faster easier handling, much better user experience. To do what ? To again repeat all the above habits more effectively online

8. Social Networking: World is now connected. You see your old friends, what they are upto, sometimes feel good, sometimes feel bad depending on where you are relatively positioned. Comparisons start : you may just get an idea to change your career path.

Yes these are the distractions which keep us away from the now. Yet they have their own lesson to teach
1. social networking
3. Mobile Apps
4. Songs
5. Videos
6. TV
7. Shopping/Eating habits

I can go on and on and on, each of these can consume a person fully for many many lifetimes.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Shutdown the mind

Heard a recent lecture from swami Ramakrishnananda, he compares physical body with mind and I liked the comparison

You order the leg to take you to the bed room, it takes you there, you sit and it goes to rest.

How nice it would have been if the mind was like that? The mind should come up from sleep only when its needed and go back to sleep once the job is done, it should not continue to stay when it is not needed, unnecessarily thinking of past future and go through ramifications

Again watching the body and its movements, associated flow of energies is hatha yoga, watching the mind its thoughts and emotions is bhakti yoga, watching the mind during our actions is karma yoga.

Aum namah Sivaya