We experience a deja-vu every moment, wherther we realize it or not .... we realize it only when we are in the position of the "observer".
One of the biggest obstacles in persisting in the path is what is called as "cycles of experience". We must watch and be careful of these recurring cycles in our life. They consist of both joyous and sorrowful occurences that our "awareness" experiences, sometimes each day, sometimes each week, sometimes each month - are totally dependent upon the +ve control we have of awareness. But then there are greater experiences that have even longer cycles. - perhaps a 3 year cycle, a 5 year cycle, a 10 year cycle and so on ....
The subconscious area of the mind is something like the sacred cow of India. It relives what it takes in. The cow will take in grass and chew it, and then she will chew her food all over again at a later time. The subconscious area of the mind does the same thing. You will find yourself aware of reliving your life, or getting back into the same cycle of the same pattern of life that you experienced many years ago. This you want to avoid, naturally. It is easy. Ponder over what you are doing now, how you are living, and then go back and find out within yourself how that compares to a previous time in your life when you were living more or less in the same way. In this way, you will come to know what area of the mind you will become aware in next.
If something good happened to you after a series of events in the past, you can expect something good to happen to you again. If something happened that was not as good or joyous as you would like it to have been, then you can know that you will become aware in this area of the mind in the future. This you can avoid. You have the power to control your cause and effect. By developing this awareness, one will soon realize that every moment is nothing but a reaction to what we have done maybe moments ago, years ago, decades ago or lives ago .... Knowing this one starts to know the process of escaping from the laws of karma or the cause and effect principle or what u say newtons 3rd law of motion .....
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