After visiting Madurai Meenakshi Temple with friends, and conversing with them, i realized what trouble my friends are going through. Compared to which my problems were nothing. There are people in this world who have suffered major heart breaks, lost loved ones. Its very very painful affair when one suffers a heart break from a loved one. Its astonishing to see how the mind due to its own novelty is the root cause of all problems, yet due to our identification with it, we suffer even though we are all perfect right now. I have come to a conclusion that desire is the root cause of misery, its the desire which is repressed in the subconscious which is more difficult to eliminate that the conscious ones. The desires in the subconscious have to be understood through meditation and eliminated through understanding. This is a seemingly easy process, but its necessary to achieve concentration and quieting the mind first in order to do it successfully.
Gods are really listening to me, my prayer to Lord Ganesh, Lord Shanmug, Lord Krishna, My Sai and Goddess Madurai Meenakshi have been answered. They have all been kind to me and have made me strong on my path to perfection. They are making me realize the importance of execution, my subconscious desires and the way to conquer them. Looks like i am all set on the path now. The most important thing that i should keep in mind is to be consciously conscious. To look at my own mind, analyse when the thoughts come spontaneously. Find out whether they came from subconscious desires, understand and resolve repressions, kill the subconscious desire through the light of understanding (problem statement, root cause analysis, end result analysis, effects). Wait till i figure out how a subconscious desire in the subconscious mind resolves itself into an emotion in the lower mind (lower chakras) .... Then bounce myself back into the higher mind, to the higher chakras which is under the control of Lord Subramanya. I guess visiting a spiritual land like Madurai and such other holy places can do miracles on an individuals spiritual progress. Thanks to all the ever-loving Gods of the 2'nd world.
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