Monday, July 23, 2007
Be the energy always
Intuitively grasp the source which is powering all the nerves, starting from head to toe in feet. Locate it, don't stop until u locate it in the spine, and Be it, Be this energy all the time, every second, every minute, every hour. Don't be the mind which goes to past experiences, don't be the subconscious mind which wants novelty, just be the energy and enjoy life, enjoy relationships with the new influx of profound actinic energy, be the energy always, one day The Self will show up.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tapping into Your Intuition
Begin to feel that your intuition works rather rapidly and is generally very reasonable, but does not use the process of reason. When you really want to reason something out, it may take a lot of time, but when you get an intuitive flash, it's right there. Then if you want to prove it, you have to reason it out. You will find that reason and intuition agree. Intuition is more direct than reason. That is why you should always use intuition. Always go in and in and in and find answers from within yourself, rather than wasting time scurrying around in the externalities of the mind.
Take this teaching in and apply it to yourself, making every metaphysical and philosophical area work within you. Do not carry all of this around with you as knowledge in the intellect. It will burden your intellect, and soon you will have to forget it, because the subconscious will have more than it can handle of inner teaching. It takes a while to convince the subconscious that you are a spiritual being whose existence does not begin and end with this life. Therefore, this inner teaching must begin to be applied as soon as it has begun to be understood.
The superconscious mind is the most wonderful area of the mind there is, although awareness is not always in it. We are not always aware in the superconscious mind, because we are generally aware in the conscious mind, or aware of our own subconscious or that of another. But the more and more we detach awareness from subconscious binds and conscious-mind attachments, the more we become superconscious. When we feel as if we are living totally in the moment, as if there is no past and there never has been any past or future, we are becoming subconsciously certain we are an intense, vibrating entity of the eternal now. That is superconsciousness, and that is very real. More real than a table, a chair, an automobile or a person sitting next to you is this feeling of being an intense sheath of energy right in the eternal moment, with no past, no future. This is superconsciousness.
Take this teaching in and apply it to yourself, making every metaphysical and philosophical area work within you. Do not carry all of this around with you as knowledge in the intellect. It will burden your intellect, and soon you will have to forget it, because the subconscious will have more than it can handle of inner teaching. It takes a while to convince the subconscious that you are a spiritual being whose existence does not begin and end with this life. Therefore, this inner teaching must begin to be applied as soon as it has begun to be understood.
The superconscious mind is the most wonderful area of the mind there is, although awareness is not always in it. We are not always aware in the superconscious mind, because we are generally aware in the conscious mind, or aware of our own subconscious or that of another. But the more and more we detach awareness from subconscious binds and conscious-mind attachments, the more we become superconscious. When we feel as if we are living totally in the moment, as if there is no past and there never has been any past or future, we are becoming subconsciously certain we are an intense, vibrating entity of the eternal now. That is superconsciousness, and that is very real. More real than a table, a chair, an automobile or a person sitting next to you is this feeling of being an intense sheath of energy right in the eternal moment, with no past, no future. This is superconsciousness.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Things around not feeling good
There comes a time in a mans life where after intense meditation and while carrying on normal life, one becomes very sensitive (which is good), this sensitivity will create emotions and attachment and small things start hurting him and he doesn't feel good about things the way they are. This is the exact period of time when one has to be extremely aware and not let the subconscious mind take over to old unuseful habits which are latent and hidden. Detaching awareness constantly from that which it is aware of has to be practiced constantly. Do anything that takes to achieve this, breath control, self-contemplation, vasana daha tantra, reading gurus advice, visiting temple, anything, but the end result has to be achieved which is staying in super consciousness. To be aware of awareness and everything else as states of mind.
Then a truly dynamic willpower comes in place of the weakness of mind and everything becomes beautiful. Things will work right, success comes in and relationships suddenly become beautiful.
Then a truly dynamic willpower comes in place of the weakness of mind and everything becomes beautiful. Things will work right, success comes in and relationships suddenly become beautiful.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Visit to Ayurvedagram
Yesterday our whole team from office had been to Ayurvedagram ( It was a wonderful experience. I learnt about very effective Pranayama, more about Meditation, and to eliminate back-pain, eye strain, and spondilytis through yoga. these diseases are common in IT folks who work for long hours even though thankfully im not having any of it (so far) .....
Amongst Pranayama, these were particularly effective to relax the mind
Other things i learnt
Amongst Pranayama, these were particularly effective to relax the mind
- Pranayama from Hatha Yoga (Surya Bhedan, Bhasrika, Ujjayi, Shitali, Sitkari, Bhramari, Murchha & Plavini Pranayama)
- Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama or Anuloma - Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing)
- Suryan Bhedan Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)
- Kapalbhati pranayam - Breathing forcefully
Other things i learnt
- Pranayama is a pre-requisite to meditation and will give good results - this i personally experienced yesterday
- Yoga exercises and self-contemplation are meant the keep the body in a relaxed state even while working
- Specific Bija Mantras stimulate one of the chakras starrting from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara
- When in the thoughtless state in meditation, breath slows down and cosmic energy enters the body through the Brahma Randra opening in the top of the head.
- While the energy goes through all the 72000 nadis, it purifies each and a slight pain is felt during this purification
- On continuing meditation the pain disappears, the more we meditate, the more cosmic energy enters
- Breath slows down to almost to the point of no breathing, metabolism slows down, everything slows down.
- The cosmic energy is 3 times more if meditation is practiced in the centroid of the pyramid (1/3 above the base of the pyramid).
- The final goal of yogic exercises, pranayama and meditation is not just relaxing the mind and body but to attain Self realization and see God in everyone we interact.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Living Two-Thirds Within
Living two-thirds within oneself and one-third in the external world--how do we do it? As soon as we live within ourselves, we become conscious of all of our various secret thoughts, all of our various emotions, that we would just as soon be without. Therefore, we distract ourselves and endeavor to live two-thirds in the external world and only one-third within ourselves. As aspirants on the path, you have to live your life two-thirds within yourself. When you are conscious of the thoughts that you don't want to think, the emotions that you don't want to feel, go deep within where they don't exist. Take awareness to the central source of energy, right within the spine itself. Feel that energy flowing through the body, moving the muscles, enlivening the cells. Then you are two-thirds within yourself, and the world looks bright and cheery all the time; the sun is always shining. Immediately, when we begin to identify totally with our thoughts as being reality, then we begin to make mistakes. We're living two-thirds in the external world.
How to strike the balance? Regulate the breath throughout the day. Keep the spine always straight. Always sit up straight. As soon as the spine is bent, awareness is externalized. We're living two-thirds in the external area of the mind and only one-third in. As soon as the spine is straight, our awareness is internalized. We're living two-thirds within and only one-third out.
What's the biggest barrier? Fear. Afraid of our secret thoughts. Afraid of our secret feelings. What's the biggest escape from fear? Go to the center, where energy exists, the energy that moves the life through the body. The simplest way is move your spine back and forth. Feel the power that moves that spine. Feel the power that moves that spine back and forth. Feel that energy going out through the physical body. Open your eyes and look at the world again, and you'll see it bright and shiny. You're two-thirds in and one-third out in awareness. You're balanced.
"Be renewed by a change of your mind." Be renewed by releasing awareness from one area of the vast universe of the mind, drawing it back into its source and, releasing it again, sending it to another of the vast areas of the mind.
How to strike the balance? Regulate the breath throughout the day. Keep the spine always straight. Always sit up straight. As soon as the spine is bent, awareness is externalized. We're living two-thirds in the external area of the mind and only one-third in. As soon as the spine is straight, our awareness is internalized. We're living two-thirds within and only one-third out.
What's the biggest barrier? Fear. Afraid of our secret thoughts. Afraid of our secret feelings. What's the biggest escape from fear? Go to the center, where energy exists, the energy that moves the life through the body. The simplest way is move your spine back and forth. Feel the power that moves that spine. Feel the power that moves that spine back and forth. Feel that energy going out through the physical body. Open your eyes and look at the world again, and you'll see it bright and shiny. You're two-thirds in and one-third out in awareness. You're balanced.
"Be renewed by a change of your mind." Be renewed by releasing awareness from one area of the vast universe of the mind, drawing it back into its source and, releasing it again, sending it to another of the vast areas of the mind.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Claim the Being Of Yourself
According to my guru, kids who are in teens have amazing will power. The Manipura chakra is strong in this age. This will they can use positively or negatively. Some kids use this negatively and ruin their lives, some make\lose money by getting into drugs, drinks, movies, and all sorts of bad habits. Some spend their parents' hard earned money in a wrong way, some kids use the power positively, become well educated, learn things more than ever they knew before or they would know in future and attain great results, similarly those spiritually inclined attain Self realization during this age, examples being Sri Ramana Maharshi who attained the state during His teens, so also Sathya Sai Baba, my great guru, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, and many many great yogis in the past. Once a person crosses his teen, if he has properly used his willpower to attain things he wants (which is the realm of Manipura chakra), he slowly matures into the anahat chakra. In this chakra intuition guides him for direct cognition about things. In a flash he knows things as they are, as they should be and how they will be in future.
This happens only when he has lived well in the Manipura chakra ...... In the Manipura chakra there is a good chance of the person entering the anava marga ..... the path where his ego becomes huge. And there is a good chance he may fall down to the lower chakras. So the devotee has to remember to claim his awareness from any state of consciousness he is in and be himself in order to fully understand which chakra he is working in at the moment. How to do that is explained below by my guru.
Claim the Being Of Yourself
We say, "I am sick," and in the English language that means my body is sick, or I am aware of this body not being in a perfect state of health. The mystic knows he is not this body. He can even remember dropping off the body many, many different times, getting new bodies through the process of reincarnation. We are not what we are aware of. We are separate from that which we are aware of. We are only flowing through these areas of the mind. If we live in San Francisco, we're not San Francisco. If we live in unhappiness, we're not unhappiness. That's only one of the cities of the mind. This is a great meditation. You can grasp this awakening in thirty seconds. You can grasp this awakening in thirty hours, or thirty minutes. You can grasp this awakening and have it come to you vibrantly in thirty weeks, thirty months, or thirty years or thirty lifetimes. It just depends upon your willpower.
As soon as we can understand awareness detached from that which it is aware of, we have a vibrant energy, a tremendous drive; a tremendous willpower is released from within us. And we live with the feeling that we can do anything that we want to do, almost as quickly as we want to do it. We want things to happen now, for we vividly see the area where they already exist within the force fields of the mind itself.
How do we live our life from this point? We begin to apply this philosophy in every department of our life. There are some habit patterns in our subconscious mind that have not caught up with this new perspective as yet. And you'll be running up against them. As soon as you find awareness totally identified with a subconscious area that has become conscious, immediately turn inward, detach awareness from that which it is aware of and just be pure energy. You can expect a beautiful life, a beautiful relationship with the being of yourself. Claim the being of yourself as you. You have enough knowledge now. You don't have to discover the being of yourself and keep looking for it. Just be the being of yourself and travel through the mind as the traveler travels around the globe.
The wonderful story of awareness, I could go on and on talking about it, because it is so very basic and so very, very important. This then makes an infinite intelligence and everyone the same. Only, they are living in different areas of the mind, or different houses.
This happens only when he has lived well in the Manipura chakra ...... In the Manipura chakra there is a good chance of the person entering the anava marga ..... the path where his ego becomes huge. And there is a good chance he may fall down to the lower chakras. So the devotee has to remember to claim his awareness from any state of consciousness he is in and be himself in order to fully understand which chakra he is working in at the moment. How to do that is explained below by my guru.
Claim the Being Of Yourself
We say, "I am sick," and in the English language that means my body is sick, or I am aware of this body not being in a perfect state of health. The mystic knows he is not this body. He can even remember dropping off the body many, many different times, getting new bodies through the process of reincarnation. We are not what we are aware of. We are separate from that which we are aware of. We are only flowing through these areas of the mind. If we live in San Francisco, we're not San Francisco. If we live in unhappiness, we're not unhappiness. That's only one of the cities of the mind. This is a great meditation. You can grasp this awakening in thirty seconds. You can grasp this awakening in thirty hours, or thirty minutes. You can grasp this awakening and have it come to you vibrantly in thirty weeks, thirty months, or thirty years or thirty lifetimes. It just depends upon your willpower.
As soon as we can understand awareness detached from that which it is aware of, we have a vibrant energy, a tremendous drive; a tremendous willpower is released from within us. And we live with the feeling that we can do anything that we want to do, almost as quickly as we want to do it. We want things to happen now, for we vividly see the area where they already exist within the force fields of the mind itself.
How do we live our life from this point? We begin to apply this philosophy in every department of our life. There are some habit patterns in our subconscious mind that have not caught up with this new perspective as yet. And you'll be running up against them. As soon as you find awareness totally identified with a subconscious area that has become conscious, immediately turn inward, detach awareness from that which it is aware of and just be pure energy. You can expect a beautiful life, a beautiful relationship with the being of yourself. Claim the being of yourself as you. You have enough knowledge now. You don't have to discover the being of yourself and keep looking for it. Just be the being of yourself and travel through the mind as the traveler travels around the globe.
The wonderful story of awareness, I could go on and on talking about it, because it is so very basic and so very, very important. This then makes an infinite intelligence and everyone the same. Only, they are living in different areas of the mind, or different houses.
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