Amongst Pranayama, these were particularly effective to relax the mind
- Pranayama from Hatha Yoga (Surya Bhedan, Bhasrika, Ujjayi, Shitali, Sitkari, Bhramari, Murchha & Plavini Pranayama)
- Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama or Anuloma - Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing)
- Suryan Bhedan Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)
- Kapalbhati pranayam - Breathing forcefully
Other things i learnt
- Pranayama is a pre-requisite to meditation and will give good results - this i personally experienced yesterday
- Yoga exercises and self-contemplation are meant the keep the body in a relaxed state even while working
- Specific Bija Mantras stimulate one of the chakras starrting from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara
- When in the thoughtless state in meditation, breath slows down and cosmic energy enters the body through the Brahma Randra opening in the top of the head.
- While the energy goes through all the 72000 nadis, it purifies each and a slight pain is felt during this purification
- On continuing meditation the pain disappears, the more we meditate, the more cosmic energy enters
- Breath slows down to almost to the point of no breathing, metabolism slows down, everything slows down.
- The cosmic energy is 3 times more if meditation is practiced in the centroid of the pyramid (1/3 above the base of the pyramid).
- The final goal of yogic exercises, pranayama and meditation is not just relaxing the mind and body but to attain Self realization and see God in everyone we interact.
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