Once you have realized that Self realization is the the ultimate goal of your life, go on living your normal life, putting attention and concentration in every single work that you do, doing a little more than you think you can, finish each project that you start, finish it well beyond your expectations, this process of channelizing every desire towards the final goal is called "transmuting". Transmute every desire towards the final goal. Once the tremendous force of desire is transmuted. The perspective is changed. We see ourself as an immortal being, and we work consistently with our lifestyle, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. Each decision that we make is an easier decision to make, and each reaction that we face, we face it joyfully. Each meditation that we hold is more profound than the last, and the spiritual being, the soul body, begins to merge with the physical body, as the elements of the instinct and the elements of the intellect that have been supreme life after life after life begin to give up and transmute their energies into the immortal body of the soul. This way the willpower gets awakened.
Remember, the lifestyle that we now have was programmed for us by mothers, fathers, religious leaders, teachers, people that we had just met along the way, and good friends. It's not a particularly good lifestyle in which to hold the perspective that we're an immortal being. It's a great lifestyle to hold the perspective that we're a temporal being, and we're only here a few years and then we die.
To develop a whole new lifestyle takes thought. Our desire has to be transmuted into doing that. In the ordinary lifestyle of human consciousness, our desires generally are for 'things', for emotional experiences, for intellectual knowing. And that's all good, but they're not organized. We have to organize the tremendous power of desire so that it's transmuted, and we desire the realization of the Self more than anything else. Then you'll have enough desire left over to get things, to get happiness and to get all the getting that humans want.

(See awareness as a lotus flower. We'll look at the mud as being the instinct, we'll look at the water as being the intellect and we'll look at the air as superconsciousness - Gurudeva)
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