Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.
-Albert Einstein

Everything thats happening around you, you have no control over it .... what has to happen will happen, there is nothing you can do about it. when you accept the fact that there is nothing you can do about it .... the energy spent in thinking is stopped .... and a calm sets in ..... The mind always seeks greener pastures and seeks novelty all the time, when you accept the fact there is nothing you can do about it .... suddenly a calm sets in ..... and you are living in the "now". So the mind really cant do anything, it is primitive and has the same fears, same passions, same dispassions. The mind has to be completely given up for grace to flow.
- Bhagwan (Nemam)

It is karma that keeps us from knowing of and reaching life's final goal, yet it is wrong to even call it a goal. It is what is known by the knower to have always existed. It is not a matter of becoming the Self, but of realizing that you never were not the Self. And what is that Self? It is Parasiva. It is God. It is That which is beyond the mind, beyond thought, feeling and emotion, beyond time, form and space. That is what all men are seeking, looking for, longing for. When karma is controlled through yoga and dharma well performed, and the energies are transmuted to their ultimate state, the Vedic Truth of life discovered by the rishis so long ago becomes obvious.

That goal is to realize God Siva in His absolute, or transcendent, state, which when realized is your own ultimate state -- timeless, formless, spaceless Truth. That Truth lies beyond the thinking mind, beyond the feeling nature, beyond action or any movement of the vrittis, the waves of the mind. Being, seeing, this Truth then gives the correct perspective, brings the external realities into perspective. They then are seen as truly unrealities, yet not discarded as such.

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