Reality of God comprises three perfections - Parasiva (Absolute, Transcendent Reality), Satchidananda (Immanent Love) and Paramesvara (Primal Soul) - and man's soul is already perfect in its undifferentiated identity with Parasiva and Satchidananda, although this identity is concealed from us by our fascination with the world of form. Parasiva and Satchidananda are not aspects of the evolving soul, but its very nucleus - which does not change or evolve.
The evolution of the soul lies in the maturing of its intrinsic Godliness over the course of many lifetimes and beyond, so that it finally becomes indistinguishable from God Siva's third perfection, the Primal Soul. The primary goal of Gurudeva’s monistic Saivism is attaining the life-transforming realization of one's identity - in perfect nondifferentiation - with Parasiva. “We are That. We don’t become That.” This is termed Self Realization (enlightenment), and may grant moksha, permanent liberation from the cycles of birth and death. A secondary goal is the realization of Satchidananda, a unitive experience within superconsciousness in which perfect Truth, knowledge and bliss are known.
Therefore, the path of monistic Saivism leads the seeker to the realization of all three perfections of the Reality of God: Satchidananda first, then Parasiva, with the final goal of Paramesvara obtained long after moksha.
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