Today I’m very glad and proud of my brother. I had always motivated him about the power of will (Sankalpa Sakti), made him read gurudeva’s thoughts on cultivating willpower, the need to finish what is started and improve the will by using the will by doing every job better than expected such that the inner soul is satisfied. He has really worked on this aspect in his studies – I have seen him work so hard and exhibit will that he is a true example of amazing things the human will can do. The big project that was in front of him were the II PU exam and CET (Common Entrance Test) exam. I observed the following about him
The willpower he exhibited is being reflecting in the results today.
The results of hard work and willpower are sweet and he surely deserves it. May Lord Ganesha bless him for a bright future in Engineering.
Gurudeva says
In the very same way, in the external world, if you begin something, you finish it. If you are working on a project creatively, you maintain your efforts until you bring it to a conclusion. It is such people who become truly successful in meditation.
Aum Nama Sivaya
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Only the highly evolved souls are able to truly understand & comprehend the intricacies of Hindu Philosophy, the law of karma, re-incarnation, the power of giving, oneness and its stages, the realms of consciousness – chakras, the advantage of living in the present, the art of living in the present, the need for visiting temples, loving the God and Gods, the need to not take the conscious mind seriously, the power to accept people as they are, the need for meditation and spiritual life, the need and power of living 2/3rds within, I can go on & on.
I just realized this recently when i was having a discussion with a Pure Anava Margi who is ruled by his intellect. He has already formed a strong opinion about life that he is not open to even understand / listen other viewpoints / ideas that Hinduism has to offer. This is what happens when the intellect is not soft on people. They become hard and tightly hold on to their concepts.
The softening of the heart & intellect is the toughest thing to achieve in Spiritual Progress. Only after that happens bhakti or devotion arrives in a persons life / heart.
Then there is another class of people whom I observed who are not properly trained in Hinduism and its background. And who wonder if even simple laws like the law of karma (which is nothing but Newton's 3rd law of motion) are true or not.
It is better not to explain anything related to spiritual life with people like this because they don't understand or evolution hasn't brought them up to a stage where the soul is mature enough to understand the intricate workings of nature. They are called young souls. Their life revolves around Merriment, Enjoyment, Show-Off, Happiness & Sorrow. While talking or relating to them – one must only think from their perspective and respond to keep things at peace. In other words I should be more understanding & perceive more.
It is said that many Gurus wait and wait for many many years in order to find a disciple who has evolved spiritually enough to qualify being a disciple. Until then Life is a guru for the disciple. Once he becomes really good in conquering and learning from life’s tests – a guru appears in his life to make the tests more tougher and hasten the evolution of the disciple.
Life has finally put me amidst people who are my own very relatives and close to my heart – but unaware of the God & Gods and see them as a product of imagination, unaware of the laws of karma, like to live life with lot of glitter and glamour, too many conscious and subconscious desires which are not yet satisfied, fear and negative emotions ruling their life on a day to day basis, anger taking them over when their wishes are not met, selfish and self centered, pessimistic with no willpower or Goals – either material or spiritual in life. In short such people are called “Anava Margis” (Those who follow the path of the ego) in classical Hindu Literature.
As my gurudeva says “The person who has the least – desires the most” – I'm finding it true in their lives. my Karmic consequences has created circumstances in my life to deal with such people on a regular basis & I'm not sure how I will deal with this. I surrender to the Holy Almighty Lord Siva and accept His Will. Sivas Will be done !
Many of my own relatives are accustomed to show-ff every small thing they do as something great. Their attempt to show others that they are superior is constant, their arrogance and pessimism has completely covered their souls in ignorance. Here is the answer from Tirumantiram for all those folks who like to show-off
The black-footed Garuda bird flies across the sky; a black-hued serpent dies in a deep well, all unseen. So, stop bragging of your greatness, O heart! Be like the river that merges into the wavy ocean.
- Tirumantiram 2513.
The Tirumantiram wisely points out that there are many things happening in the world unseen, so why are you begging for attention by bragging about your greatness? Be like the river which merges into the wavy ocean without even leaving a trace.
Siva has sent all these people in my life to teach me something and that is – How not to live life in confused lower states of consciousness.
Aum Namah Sivaya
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