Every time I read about gurudeva’s teachings, it gives me a new insight about life. I often wonder why only few realize the Self much earlier than most of the Hindus like me who continue having the 4 goals of life – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Moksha is the last goal that few Hindus attain. Most of us are busy in fulfilling the first three and spend many lifetimes in order to perpetuate the pattern – often repeating the same mistakes at times and creating new karmas. Most of us are only doing whats mentioned below by gurudeva:
In fulfillment of our duties to parents, relations and the community at large, become a good householder, be a good citizen, live a rewarding physical, emotional and intellectual existence. These are the natural goals of many. Once this is accomplished in a lifetime, it is easy in future lives to perpetuate this pattern and evolve toward more refined and more difficult goals.
All Hindus without exception believe in reincarnation. In each birth we must fulfill more goals leading to the one ultimate goal (of self realization) which after many births well lived will loom before us as the only goal worthy of striving for in this lifetime. All other desires, all other aims and ambitions pale under the brilliance of even the thought of realization of Satchidananda and Parasiva.
Excerpt from Merging with Siva:
How can we know when we're ready to know the Self? How do we know when the soul is spiritually mature? When we begin a journey and clearly define our destination, then we must begin from where we are, not elsewhere. Clearly defining our destination requires knowing where we are, requires determining whether or not we want to go there at this time. We must ask whether we have the means, the willpower, to get there. Are we ready to leave the world, or must we fulfill further obligations in the world and to the world? Have we paid all of our debts? We cannot leave the world with karmas still unresolved. Perhaps we desire something more, some further human fulfillment of affection, creativity, wealth, professional accomplishment, name and fame. In other words, do we still have worldly involvements and attachments? Are we ready for the final journey life has to offer? Are we prepared to endure the hardships of sadhana, to suffer the death of the ego? Or would we prefer more pleasures in the world of "I" and "mine"? It is a matter of evolution, of what stage of life we have entered in this incarnation -- is it charya, kriya, yoga or jnana? When the soul is spiritually mature, we know when we're ready to know the Self.
Aum Namasivaya
Been busy? No post since a month!
Yes buddy .... I will be posting some soon ... Thanks for reminding.
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