Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I officially become a disciple of gurudeva !


I enroll finally to the Master course which is the first pre-requisite to be initiated to the lineage of gurudeva as a direct disciple of Sri Bodhinatha.

I receive the 3 books today, it indeed is a great blessing. The great Trilogy arrives home today through Blue-dart courier from Minimela India Website says my loving wife on the phone.

I receive the self evaluation worksheets from Sanyasin Sri Sivakatirswami from the Kauai Aadheenam, Kapaa, Hawaii to complete the training for the week and my study has now fallen in line with my Gurudeva and Siva’s will. Yes, this really is symbolic of the first light of dawn in my life. I’m already able to feel the oneness with my guru with each day progress. Thanks gurudeva for making me your shishya. I surrender my ego at your lotus feet. I will blog the learning's that I learn from you each day here.

Below is the learning for Nov 02 which falls on an auspicious Monday which is Siva’s Day. Below is the summary of what I learn from Gurudeva. Aum Namasivaya.

All is Siva, both Liberation and bondage is Siva. Anger involves a lot of prana and when you get Angry, you end up opening 2 chakras below the muladhara. Takes nearly a month for those two chakras to close. And a month of spiritual accumulated energy is lost when you get Angry. A yogi who gets angry on someone can cause more harm on than what a normal person can due to the accumulated spiritual power. The same can return as bad karma later. Anger can be conquered by Love. Mentally say "I Love you" to every person you meet. Its not the matter of 'becoming the Self' but of realizing that you were never not the Self.

Consciousness is always continuous whether we know it or not. It continues in wakefulness, sleep, dreams, birth and death. The first lapse of consciousness occurs the first time a devotee attain Self realization. This is why nobody can describe Self realization, because there is no you (or the mind) to witness that experience. The experience, experiencer and the experience all merge during this great only possible non-experience. One keeps coming back into flesh life after life to just experience this.

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