Thursday, June 3, 2010

Experience Karma by Observation


My Gurudeva often says than much Karma can be gone through without actually going through a physical experience. One of the way to experience the Karmic learning’s is to go through it in meditation. Using the Ajna chakra or the third eye one can see ones own karma of past live or of future happenings and, single out the seed for it, and ‘throw it’ – in gurudeva’s words !

We ourselves are the creators of karma in the lower states and we ourselves have the capability to destroy it in the higher states of consciousness.

I recently experience this phenomenon during my stay at Germany, was observing how i was able to either pick up ‘new’ or ‘existing’ karmas or drop them off through observation and focus of awareness over it.

I plan to implement this aspect of focussed observation of my own karmas, most importantly the ones which make me react. I will observe them, I will find out the root cause of them (i already know theoretically that I myself have sent out this karmic energy in this or a prior life time), And I'm going to bury them forever by Sivas Grace.

I already have a list of things which make me react in office and at home when im alone with myself. I'm going to give myself to Servicing to myself in my meditation :-)

Love you Gurudeva

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