Havent been able to meditate for this whole month now. Was blessed with a baby boy on 11th sept. Was on board to Pune that night. The happiness was great and unimaginable. Had a few more experiences and learnings after that. I'm looking eye to eye with my son with awe and respect. Who could he be ? He could be a soul who could have been an ancestor of mine, perhaps a very dear grandmother/grandfather, a cousin/friend who passed on when young or a great rishi who has come for the upliftment of mankind, perhaps my guru himself? Who could he be? I will never know unless my observation becomes very keen.
Also observed how quickly the subconscious mind builds up in the absence of daily sadhana. Im observing that since the past few days, the past and future appearing more real to me than ever before. Mind often goes to past off late, going back to experiences which were pleasant or unpleasant. I need to engage my willpower again in controlling the built up odic forces. i pray lord ganesha again as usual, to get back on track. Aum
Birth is the creation of something unique and unrepeatable, received as a gift of infinite value. To become parent it worth passong through uncertainties, don't you?
yes i totally agree with you. In fact life itself is designed such a way that there will be uncertainities as we move along. Everything is worth passing as they give learnings :)
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