Love the Swami RamaKrishnananda discourse, it is sooooo sooooo sooooo deep. Changed the perspective I have on life.
- all our life is not those 30 40 50 years of time that we think we live, that's just an illusion of future which has been put into your head by society, all my life is the now
- all our desires if you observe deeply, either it's for more money, more happiness, more material goods, more love, better career -- in real is a seeking for lesser limitation, more expansion, all our desires are not for actual paper money, is for expansion, once this expansion is experienced in the now, what you desire is here and now, and the desire ceases to exist in the now. Desire is future, how many times have you desired eating an ice cream, and when the ice cream actually came to you, your mind saw a better car on the road and it forgot enjoying the ice cream and was again in future desire for the car?
- in Reality there is no fear as reality is in the now, in illusion there is fear,if an atom bomb explodes now, there will be death and no fear, only if the news of an atom bomb exploding comes a day in advance to a city there will be fear and panic, hence to fear we need time, the now is no time, is again a concept put into your head, in the now there is no fear, you are full of life and timeless, my guru says you have transcended even life and death in the now, the now is eternal
- According to Buddha the biggest misery that the human being has is that he gives up the now, the present moment in search of less limitation and more expansion and forgets that he is already that expansion that he is searching for. Thus he spends life in endless pursuits. The empty space that you observe within you when you observe a thought, that is the expansion
- We see and remember something of the past, imagine it in future, and that's the moment when a desire / fear /anger /jealousy arises, and our actions are based on that - this is how all actions are traceable to past memories.
- True Meditation is a process of paying attention to the ego and being that attention ALWAYS
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