Difficult experiences in life forced me to quiet my thinking and emoting mind.
Observe that its impossible to think continually and emote when you are sitting straight with neck erect coupled with breathing diagrammatically.
The Ida and Pingala currents
I managed to balance the currents and listen to the E and C sounds by grabbing them in meditation after a sustained concentration effort today morning. When they were about to merge on top, observed the pink Ida current on left side, and the blue Pingala current on right side. Both these became one at the center at the top, and became white light also known as sushumna, this is characterized by the eee sound in the inner ear.
The pink current or ida or yin is predominantly feminine in nature, we emote a lot while in this current, the blue pingala is its opposite, the yang, masculine current with intellectual aggression and thinking predominating.
Living in each alone makes life difficult as it will soon lead to its polar opposite. that is, thinking too much carries awareness to areas which emote. I went through some difficult experiences recently which forced me to sit, which forced me to quiet my mind, which forced me to mediate deeply, and thanks to it, I actually realized these two energies within me.
Silent chanting of Aum
The Aum mantra starts with AA which vibrates the body and brings awareness from the muladhara & svadhishtana chakras (which are associated with memory and reasoning, thinking) to the throat when the UU letters are uttered, and then merge in the head when the MM letters vibrate in the center of the head. This practice brings about the merging of ida and pingala into the sushumna current. Actually saw this happening today with the third eye. Aum
Thank you gurudeva. The lessons 260 and 261 of merging with Siva book helped me to realize this within me.