Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Being the Observer

I am being immensely helped by Baba Ramdass podcasts. Am able to maintain the state of observer and write down where all my mind goes during day to day life.

Biggest learning from this

  • My beliefs about myself were all wrong.  I see where all my awareness goes, its full of instinctiveness - fear, anger, passion dominating it most of the time with the spiritual strivings sneaking in every now and then
  • The ego was embarrassed by seeing itself and how low it could get under the right circumstances of trigger from the external world.
  • The ego observes that it has no right to criticize anyone as whatever it sees within itself is the same within all others, for one it may be fear of ill health for another it may be fear of stock market or career, but underlying principle of fear is there in all humans who are unrealized. The beginning of understanding and compassion for all beings for their failures.
  • The ego realizes the importance of containment and sublimation. How to use the bodily energies creatively for a higher purpose and the consequences of not doing it -- i.e to lose the state of being observer
  • That suffering is a higher state of consciousness than happiness as its very easy to observe the mind and its ramifications when in distress than when things are fine.

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