Life has been very busy the past few weeks, I have been working hard every week to complete the berkeley university course on cloud computing and I successfully cleared it. Required lots of concentration and persistence to complete the assignments on time. Thanks to lord ganesha, I made it.
Work and study together is tougher than I expected. But it was a good chance to improve the will power.
Over the weeks I learnt the following
* regular worship has a lot of benefits, I can sense the gods answering my prayers in a mysterious and wonderful ways.
* affirmations and visualization start a new cycle of maya and makes you ready for a new set of circumstances, so choose them (what you want to affirm and achieve) wisely
* it's only when you have stopped the mind's constant involvement in it's ramifications and endless cycles of maya, can you realize and be in the eternity of the now's which is a higher state of consciousness and give a chance to your intuitive nature to guide you to work out your soul's destiny in this life time.
lastly I want to end this blog by saying gurudeva's quote "when you live in the eternal now, you will realize that eternity within you"
Aum namah Sivaya
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