Saturday, April 12, 2014

Life's lessons

Experiencing all the miseries of what material possessions can offer. Everything is temporary. Everything gives a temporary kick. Then after a few days the feeling of emptyness is back.

The mind is just not happy. It Feels lost. Nothing excites it anymore. It doesnt change. It has its own addictions. It has fear it has anger it has the desire to enjoy and continue its existence. It seeks continuity through ramification and seeking new goals and trying to convince itself of why the next carrot is better.

The mind got a lot of new seasons episodes, a beautiful LED TV 40 inch, new furniture, lots of new stuff. Yet after a few days the sense of unfulfilled feeling is back. Mind is after something else. After new goals. After new desires. After new carrots.

When it doesn't have something it seeks for it. When it does have something it forgets to appreciate the blessing and it is after something else.

Gurudeva states "A life of discipline is not an easy life, but it is a joyous one, with many soul satisfying rewards. Monastics follow their rigorous 24 hour protocol even in their dreams."

He further states "young souls merge with each other. Intermediate souls merge with projects & learning new things, merging with the mind & the intellect. Older souls Seeking the Self beyond the mind, merge with the Spirit & with the things spiritual. For them a pure and nearly perfect life calls. They intuitively know that the profound merger of Jiva in Siva is no easy task, to be accomplished in a weekend seminar or yoga class. So they go farther,they renounce, they take up the ideals of the four Vedas. Not to parrot them but to live them, just as did the Rishis of yore. That leads to the path of the renouncer, to the Sannyasin in the Indian tradition.

Excerpt from "living with Siva" from Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swami.

Be detached. Renounce. Live life like a drop of water on a lotus leaf.....

Let even one second be that of vigil and contemplation.

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