How can I convert this moment or job into attaining the Cosmos / enlightenment? How can whatever I'm doing take me to my goal of cosmos. If not how can I change it ?
From this day, I vow to bear the brahmacharya identity, this body which I inhabit will only be used for enlightenment and living the life of a jivan Mukta. This mind will only allow thoughts related to enlightenment and enriching others. Let all my bodily parts and organs co-operate in executing my will.
Every moment by my very nature I unclutch and I'm liberated. Is the ego which wants to control the mind and think it needs to do this or that.
Keeping the senses in the front, with attention in 3rd eye area and breath balanced. When does consciousness become the mind ? Try to find out while the 3rd eye breathes
Hamsa happening every moment. Not going with the pulls of rajas and tamas every second and being in satva - the middle path. Gaining clarity of Jiva and Jagat leading to clarity of Iswara also. Hamsa meditation also forces you to accept yourself as you are. And come back to satva.
The patterns are dead already only life is will
Breaking the shafts of the past every moment
Take a Hamsa breath before any talking or deciding and listening and feel Sivas energy working through people around you. Guiding you to make you successful. Realise it's a dream at the end of the day.
Let me have 4 things : Shakti, Buddhi, Yukti and Bhakti
Remember you and everyone around you is a walking mirror - reflecting the thoughts put in you by others
Every time I chant the Mahavakya, remember that it's Siva (light of awareness, energy) looking at the fluctuating mind and body.
Create a circle where you are seeing the diety and diety is seeing you. Use it for people you interact with and also for things like books.
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