Monday, May 28, 2007

How to go into Meditation

This article from my guru gave me clarity in how to enter and exit meditation which i wasnt following as perfectly as He had mentioned. These writings show how important a guru is in one's spiritual progress and why it is necessary to surrender to a guru to reach god.

Going into meditation

The refined, inner energy that you experience in your deepest meditations is always there, was always there and shall always be there. It's just there. You don't have to call upon it. It's just there. Just be aware that you are it, and not that you are any other of the many other types of things that you can be. Just be that intangible, tangible energy and don't be the emotions that you feel. Don't be thoughts that you think. Don't be the stomach that's hungry. Don't be the body that's moving. Don't be the place that you're going to. Just be that energy. Then you can do anything in the external world and really enjoy life.


Here are some basic signposts for successful meditation. Remember them and do them slowly on your own.

  • First, sit up nice and straight with the spine erect and the head balanced at the top of the spine. Proper posture is necessary because the very simple act of equalizing the weight and having it held up by the spine causes you to lose body consciousness. Just the equalizing of your weight can do that.

  • Breathe deeply and rhythmically.

  • Feel the energies of the body begin to flow harmoniously through the body.

  • Now try to feel the warmth of the body. Simply feel the warmth of the body. Once you can sense physical warmth, try to feel the totality of the nerve system at one time -- all of the five or six thousand miles of nerve currents. It's simple. Feel it all at one time and grasp that intuitively.

  • Now, this nerve current is being energized from one central source, and we're going to find that source. It's in the central core of the spine.

  • Feel that energy flow through the spine and out through this nerve system, which finally causes warmth in the physical body, which you've already felt. But now don't feel the warmth of the body. Don't feel the nerve system. Feel only the power of the spine. Once you have done this, you are ready to meditate.

You're alive in your body. You look alive. You look vital. Your face is beginning to glow. Next simply sit in a state of pure consciousness. Be aware of being aware. Don't be aware of a second thing. Simply be aware that you are aware -- a totality of dynamic, scintillating awareness, vibrant right in the central source of energy. It's closer to what you really are than your name, than your intellectual education, than your emotional behavior or the physical body itself, which you only inhabit. From this point in your own personal meditation you can take off and travel in many different directions. If your guru has given you a mantra, for instance, contemplate on the inner vibrations of the mantra. Chant it to yourself, or follow whatever inner instructions he has given you.


Coming out of meditation, we perform this process in reverse. Again feel the power of the spine and let that power flow right out through the nerve system, energizing the miles and miles of nerve currents. Feel your nerve system coming to life. Feel the warmth of the body as we come back into physical consciousness. Finally, open your eyes and view the external world around you and compare it to the internal world that you very rapidly just touched into in your meditation. It's easy to remember this entrance and exit to meditation. Do it often. Get to know the energy flows of the body. Live in the pure energy of the spine. Lean on no one. If you must lean on something, make it your own spine.

How to overcome karma

I was always curious to know how meditation can overcome one's karma, i finally got the answer from my guru. Here is how it goes

How does meditation affect one's karmas?

Karma is congested magnetic forces, and meditating is rising above karmic binding influences. You can control the congestion of karma or avoid the congestion and thus control your karma. This proves to yourself that you are the creator, the one who preserves and the destroyer simultaneously on the higher levels of consciousness. Yet, you have to come back occasionally to the "little old you" on this level and do the things that you have been accustomed to doing as a human, until you fully have the complete realization of the Self God -- the imkaif experience. Then you penetrate the doors of the Absolute into the core of existence itself, and you become the Self that everyone is searching for. But to overcome karmic patterns, the will must be tremendously strong and stable, and that means we must demand perfection in our life.
Why would you ever want to place demands of perfection upon yourself? You now walk the path of perfection, and you must be so to walk that path.

What is this perfection?
  • First, it is a clarity of cognition.

  • Second, it is a bursting of actinic love for your fellow man.

  • Third, it is an openness and willingness to serve and fit in, in any capacity.

  • Fourth, it is living a contemplative lifestyle better every day.

  • Fifth, it is mastering all of your yoga disciplines given to you by your guru.

  • Sixth, it is the ability to hold responsibility, maintain a continuity of your own karma yoga, yet have the mobile quality to be ever ready to do something different without losing continuity of what you have been doing in holding your responsibility.

If you can gear yourself to accomplish all this, you are on the path of enlightenment and you will surely prove to yourself, when you have your realization, that you are a free man in a free world, subject to nobody, to no power, even the power of karma. How could That which is formless and causeless be subject to anything?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Consciousness states - (EEG)

The brain activity as detected by EEG (Electro encaphalo graph) categorizes our flow of consciousness and the frequencies associated with it. Ancient Yogis detected these states long long ago in Ancient India and accordingly had categorized them into 4 states :-

  1. Jagrat Avastha (Wakeful states)
  2. Svapna Avastha (Dreaming Sleep state)
  3. Nidra Avastha (Deep sleep state)
  4. Turiya Avastha (Meaning the 4th state, beyond deep sleep)

A sincere Yogi always endeavours to reach the Deep sleep state, but consciously in meditation (not unconsciously as in deep sleep). He reaches turiya state in Nirvikalpa Samadhi and turiyatheeta (beyond the 4th state) when He becomes Self Realized. Where the frequencies associated with EEG can come close to Zero! Thats the instant, when his consciousness expands rapidly and he perceives God in Himself and every atom and every living being around him. This is the state to be endeavoured. This is the state which is the goal of human life. This is the state when man attains perfection.


Click on image to enlarge

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavadgita

(Chapter 6, Text 28)

Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogi achieves the highest perfectional stage of happiness in touch with the Supreme Consciousness.

(Chapter 6, Text 20-23)

The stage of perfection is called trance, or samadhi, when one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga. This is characterized by one's ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness and enjoys himself through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.

(Chapter 6, Text 27)

The yogi whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest happiness. By virtue of his identity with Brahman, he is liberated; his mind is peaceful, his passions are quieted, and he is freed from sin.

(Chapter 6, Text 6)

For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.

More information about these states are available here :-

Monday, May 7, 2007

The true India in 1835

The true India in 1835, we were rich materially, emotionally and spiritually ..... Time to re-establish ourselves .... Impress this strongly upon your minds .....