I was always curious to know how meditation can overcome one's karma, i finally got the answer from my guru. Here is how it goes
How does meditation affect one's karmas?
Karma is congested magnetic forces, and meditating is rising above karmic binding influences. You can control the congestion of karma or avoid the congestion and thus control your karma. This proves to yourself that you are the creator, the one who preserves and the destroyer simultaneously on the higher levels of consciousness. Yet, you have to come back occasionally to the "little old you" on this level and do the things that you have been accustomed to doing as a human, until you fully have the complete realization of the Self God -- the imkaif experience. Then you penetrate the doors of the Absolute into the core of existence itself, and you become the Self that everyone is searching for. But to overcome karmic patterns, the will must be tremendously strong and stable, and that means we must demand perfection in our life.
Why would you ever want to place demands of perfection upon yourself? You now walk the path of perfection, and you must be so to walk that path.
Why would you ever want to place demands of perfection upon yourself? You now walk the path of perfection, and you must be so to walk that path.
What is this perfection?
- First, it is a clarity of cognition.
- Second, it is a bursting of actinic love for your fellow man.
- Third, it is an openness and willingness to serve and fit in, in any capacity.
- Fourth, it is living a contemplative lifestyle better every day.
- Fifth, it is mastering all of your yoga disciplines given to you by your guru.
- Sixth, it is the ability to hold responsibility, maintain a continuity of your own karma yoga, yet have the mobile quality to be ever ready to do something different without losing continuity of what you have been doing in holding your responsibility.
If you can gear yourself to accomplish all this, you are on the path of enlightenment and you will surely prove to yourself, when you have your realization, that you are a free man in a free world, subject to nobody, to no power, even the power of karma. How could That which is formless and causeless be subject to anything?
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