Saturday, May 12, 2007

Consciousness states - (EEG)

The brain activity as detected by EEG (Electro encaphalo graph) categorizes our flow of consciousness and the frequencies associated with it. Ancient Yogis detected these states long long ago in Ancient India and accordingly had categorized them into 4 states :-

  1. Jagrat Avastha (Wakeful states)
  2. Svapna Avastha (Dreaming Sleep state)
  3. Nidra Avastha (Deep sleep state)
  4. Turiya Avastha (Meaning the 4th state, beyond deep sleep)

A sincere Yogi always endeavours to reach the Deep sleep state, but consciously in meditation (not unconsciously as in deep sleep). He reaches turiya state in Nirvikalpa Samadhi and turiyatheeta (beyond the 4th state) when He becomes Self Realized. Where the frequencies associated with EEG can come close to Zero! Thats the instant, when his consciousness expands rapidly and he perceives God in Himself and every atom and every living being around him. This is the state to be endeavoured. This is the state which is the goal of human life. This is the state when man attains perfection.


Click on image to enlarge

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavadgita

(Chapter 6, Text 28)

Steady in the Self, being freed from all material contamination, the yogi achieves the highest perfectional stage of happiness in touch with the Supreme Consciousness.

(Chapter 6, Text 20-23)

The stage of perfection is called trance, or samadhi, when one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga. This is characterized by one's ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness and enjoys himself through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.

(Chapter 6, Text 27)

The yogi whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest happiness. By virtue of his identity with Brahman, he is liberated; his mind is peaceful, his passions are quieted, and he is freed from sin.

(Chapter 6, Text 6)

For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.

More information about these states are available here :-

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