Saturday, October 3, 2020

54+ tiny habits

Able to manifest 50-60 habits everyday to manifest whatever I want to manifest. Thanks to Tiny habits from BJFogg. Never has been a time where this being in me felt more in control of this body and mind. Thank you Paramasiva for making me manifest whatever I want. This COVID situation has helped me progress immensely on my spiritual goals. Thank you Paramasiva. Again and again at your feet.

I have the atma linga in my chest all the time, Ajapajapa happening constantly whenever possible, mind in unclutching and heart in a strong feeling connection with Paramasiva. While all this is happening - able to manifest breaking of laziness patterns by daily exercise and yoga, active lifestyle, nirahara samyama (bit difficult to follow at parents place but managing). Able to do Siva pooja daily with beautiful flowers. Able to visit temple almost every other day. Able to break the usual engrams leading to anti-aging - be it of lust or other desires related to body, identify them when they start bringing their hoods up and catch them and ferociously Unclutch from them.

Able to Also manifest learning whatever I want in Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Agile SW using LEAN, reading books etc.

Now I need to focus on Awakening the kundalini fire 🔥 and making it manifest strongly in my life like how it happened in 2018 Nov. 

Aum Nithyananda Paramasivoham

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