Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Reading atomic habits

Started listening to this audiobook called Atomic Habits. While it's too early to comment as I'm still in early chapters I thought I'll reflect on things that clicked in me and maybe continue updating this post on the clicks I receive going fwd also:

14 Oct 2020

There are there levels of change in a human being
1. At the outcome level where one just chooses to change the goal or outcomes in life
2. At the system or process level where one chooses to change the processes that lead to an outcome.
3. At the identity level, where one chooses to shift the identity itself

The third one struck to me the most as all these days i was focused on 1 & 2 which was sort of leading me to 3. What 3 tells me is that get conscious of current habits first and then put a + or - sign against them to check whether they are aligned to your identity or not. 

Example 1 : if I want to shift my identity to brahmacharya, then each and every moment when I am conscious of a beautiful female that I see on the road or a past thought of an ex-girlfriend should be handled differently compared to what the existing habits do.

Example 2:  If my identity is going to be that of a Jivanmukta, a Yogi and a Paramahamsa .... Then yoga, meditation, pranayama, power manifestation all these would have a plus next to them and things like laziness feelings, waking up late, spending time on social media, chatting with friends, arguments at work all take a minus sign.

Here is the link to the scorecard of current habits from James Clear - author of atomic habits

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