Wednesday, September 18, 2024

From book Akashic records and twin flames


You reach a point when you understand that being powerless is possibly the most powerful way to live.

You need to lose the fear that the relationship with your twin is based on your ego and actions.

The key is to realize what you have and let go of the attachment you may have to things and people you may think you need, but you know you can't have.

You need to believe that the universe has your destiny covered. You need to lose the fear that the relationship with your twin is based on your ego and actions.

Surrender yourself to the divine and let go of the residual parts of the experience you still feel you control.

Imagine your union as a rose. You have been happy to give the petals to the universe, yet you have hung on to the thorns. You are unwilling to let go of your partnership's shadowy areas, and you still cling to the sore points and challenges because your ego is telling you whatever it is telling you.

Surrendering is all about realizing that you don't get to choose what parts of your love you show to the world.

You need to accept that your love will not be restricted or imprisoned by differences and conformities. You will allow yourself to love unconditionally no matter what the obstacles in place.

When you surrender to your destiny, then you feel reborn. It is the highest form of acceptance and you recognize that any blocks you have in life are your responsibility. You will stop assigning blame to your twin, and when you do so, you will feel a purer form of love for them. When you make these personal shifts, you may find the obstacles that keep you apart from your twin disappear. The universe will determine if you are blessed with a reunion, and it will work tirelessly to get you together with them if that is your fate.

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