Saturday, September 27, 2008

What is Sadhana?

"Sadhana is performing the same discipline over and over and over again. Just as we methodically exercise the physical body to build up its muscles, we perform spiritual disciplines over and over again to strengthen our spiritual, inner bodies."
- Gurudeva

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Third Superconscious Experience

I visit Ganesha temple with mom yesterday evening and offer a letter to Him in the temple fire. Had lot of prayers written in it for many of my friends/relatives who were suffering. I had also included a prayer for myself at the end. 

And then the Night sleep comes amazingly peacefully and after an hour of sleep or so, i hear a high frequency "eee" sound which progressively becomes louder. Until there is all "eee" sound in my brain. At this point i'm awake and not asleep and feeling all the energy accumulated in the spine attempting to move from neck to head, but unable to. I remember Lord Ganesha at this point who is the controller of spinal kundalini energy, and from nowhere a voice tells me to "look at the back of the mind". I do it at that very moment -- and suddenly the energy gushes from spinal neck to the brain directly over my forehead and above. It was a beautiful experience --  with white light in my head though my room was pitch dark and i realize i am wide awake at that time. Then it (consciousness or awareness or energy) gushes back down from top of head to  the forehead and stays there for a while. As it stays there i can feel something rotating in the forehead for a few seconds and then it gushes back to the neck -- progressively the 'eee' sound's loudness also comes down. 

And this happens many more times -- awareness gushes to head - sound becomes louder - light becomes brighter - and then back again downward direction -- sound becomes feeble. 

According to my guru, it is the same experience which people high on drugs feel too -- and which is why they long for it. But in their case the awareness quickly starts moving to the lower chakras -- the ones below the muladhara -- which are the sources of depression, anxiety and fear. So in order to avoid these troubling states of mind -- they take more drugs and over time get addicted. The same experience but without the negative states can be attained naturally through meditation or deep sleep -- in my case. Its a beautiful state which is the source of all creativity and fine-art. All knowledge is present in the super conscious mind.

Here are the salient features of that wonderful experience. 

  • Loss of Bodily awareness -- only awareness of energy
  • Loss of Mental -- both conscious or subconscious awareness.
  • Awareness becomes pure awareness and stays so for a time.
  • Starts gushing up the spinal column.
  • Opening up of the mind in its entirety and discovering new states of the higher mind.
  • The high frequency 'eee' Sound progressively becoming louder.
  • The progressively brightening light in the head 
  • Lot of cosmic energy entering the body and relaxing every single vein, cell and nerve, etc

My guru says -- This is the state to be consciously attained through meditation, to be strived for and which is worth striving for. If by practice one is able to attain this anytime he wants easily by will -- many realms of creativity open up to the practicer -- such as fine arts, music, scientific invention, ability to see mind from the 4th dimension and see their own past or future effortlessly. There are many souls on earth today who have mastered this ability.

Thanks to my guru and Lord Ganesha for this beautiful experience.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Natural Cure for Common Cold

Courtesy : iVillage

Common cold used to be a big nightmare for me, never used to go even after 1 and a half weeks of misery, but now its gone 2 days ! -- its a miracle. Click here to know all details. In a nutshell here is what i learnt.

  • There is till date no cure discovered by science for common cold.
  • The best defense for cold is our own body (antibodies). But we need to wait patiently for 2 days. :-)
  • One of the ironies of nature -- common cold is caused by virus from water/infected people -- and cured by water :-)
  • The key to a quick recovery is not to allow the body get dehydrated by drinking more water.
  • Drugging oneself in beginning delays the recovery instead of accelerating.
Here are some facts which helped cure myself quickly
  • Common cold is primarily Viral in nature -- Caused by a Virus
  • Common cold (wet nose stage) pulls lot of water from the body. So body gets dehydrated.
  • Get plenty of water at this stage to prevent becoming dehydrated.
  • Better to avoid Coffee/Tea/Coke any caffeine related stuff which will assist dehydration.
  • If we drug our self initially -- the virus undergoes rapid mutation in a matter of hours (scientifically proved) and becomes immune to the newly consumed drug. So don't drug yourself.
  • If we allow body to get dehydrated -- mucus dries up -- leading to a bigger problem -- sinus and bacterial infection starts on the dry mucus in lungs and respiratory tract.
  • After mucus dries up -- intolerable cough starts which is very uncomfortable, however the initial symptoms of cold subside at this point and cough & flum dominate.
  • At cough stage -- bacterial attack has already occurred on the body -- so Antibiotics are  required to eliminate them.
  • In a span of 2 days body starts producing Antibodies to attack and kill the common cold Virus. These anti-bodies do their job well and cure us from cold :-)

Taking Vitamin C tabs prior to getting cold is known to prevent it -- but no proof of this yet from science. During a cold a hold soup, steam inhalation, coffee can just provide a temporary feeling of relief -- but no permanent cure -- this is because the virus can survive in those hot temperatures too !

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Experiencing "Now" with Nature

I have been unable to stay in the "now" for quite some time now, everything was in place, the purpose, the need, the plan etc -- but no execution. so i am where i am now today. 

Biggest barriers which have done their job well are are -- Bodily demands (such as sleep), subconscious thoughts, karma, bad habits, lack of focus, de-motivation, past failures etc etc. 

Was looking at beautiful nature snaps and it brought me back to the "now" atleast temporarily ...