Sunday, April 17, 2011

Breathing change

I read in a book on kundalini few days back that breath is directly related to which chakra we are currently functioning.

A person functioning in the visuddha chakra for example - the book says the out breath moves no longer than an inch approximately in a natural way and a yoga practitioner who has reached this stage experiences immense clarity of mind and calmness. Breath is extremely rhythmic at this stage.

I might have been in state briefly during my meditations in the past but this state must become of second nature (natural) that's my goal.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die | Video on

Steve Jobs tells 3 stories from his life

1. How the dots get connected
2. Love what you do, don't settle if you haven't found it yet.
3. About death: if you are about to die tomorrow - will you be doing what you are about to do today? - if the answer is no - then you need to change something in your life

Journey from the External to Internal

Have become too externalized, too superficial off late. Need to re-design my attitudes and re-invent myself.


1.       First is I do VDT and get rid of all the subconscious build up.

2.       Complete all pending Master Course Readings

3.       Setup day to day goals and consequences if those goals weren’t met on a particular day.


Enough is enough and its time for me to change !