Thursday, July 28, 2011

The ego isn't you

" Being grateful for God's gifts is a sign of spirituality. A sage tells two seekers they will live as many lives as there are leaves on the banyan tree. One rushes away in dismay, while the other dances, knowing that liberation is assured, and at that moment experiences freedom from samsara."

1. #Liberation is assured. We come from Siva and on our way heading back to him. It's a circular path.
2. All that's needed is being watchful of the mind and it's old habit patterns which defines " you "

Two ways to find the Self


Gurudeva explains beautifully the two ways of realizing the Self God within us.

I like the second method and find it particularly effective. Realizing all the time that im not this body, the hands that grasp and type these letters on keyboard – I am NOT, the legs that take me to office, home sit, stand and meditate – I AM NOT, the eyes which see – I AM NOT, the ears which hear – I AM NOT, the tongue which tastes – I AM NOT, nose which smells – I AM NOT. I AM NOT – the five vital breaths which comprises of inhale, exhale etc, Neither am I the reproductive or the excretory organs, I am not even the mind which thinks “I AM NOT”, I am not even the states of mind which are comprised of past impressions or super-consciousness, I am not even the spine which is the seat of awareness. If i’m none of this who am I ?

Monday, July 25, 2011


Mind is like a river. It flows through well known channels. These well known channels define our behavior as to how we interact with people. This is what we normally call attutude.

If these paths of the river are wrongly programmed, they need to be reprogrammed appropriately keeping the final goal in mind.

For that to happen there has to be a sub-superconscious cognition of the mind as an object. a this can happen by using the method used by Ramana Maharshi - I am not this, i am not that - disidentifying oneself from all self created illusions until im able to see sub-superconsciously the mind as an object.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Renewed Goals

These three directives will have the Highest Priority in my life going fwd

1. Trilogy Study and Meditation
2. Stay contemplative by observing the "I". knowing that you are not the mind and observing the motivation thought strata during conversations.
3. Posture and execution of work with full energy and clarity of cognition.

1. Avoid dissipation of mental and bodily energies by over indulging in TV and Internet.
2. Clever Avoidance of Mental arguments / debates
3. Not going back to sleep immediately if half awake.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quotes from those who have seen the Truth

"The biggest challenge for most spiritual seekers is to surrender their self importance, and see the emptiness of their own personal story.
It is your personal story that you need to awaken from in order to be free. " - Adyashanti
"Everything is evaluated from that reference point.
And because it is closely associated with that pure intelligence, it has come to believe also that it is the intelligence." - Sailor Bob Adamson
"Without your memory, without your experiences, the `you' is not." - Jiddu Krishnamurthi

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Conduct of a husband

Beautiful excerpt from my gurus book. MWS LESSON 280. (modified to understand in my own words)

The man should not bring his business problems home or discuss them at home. If he does forces at home become congested. A contemplative home where the family can meditate must have the temple like uplifting vibration. The man seeks understanding through observation. The woman seeks harmony through devotion. He must observe what is going on within the home, not talk too much about it, other than to make small suggestions, with much praise and virtually no criticism. He must remember that his wife is making a home for him, and he should appreciate the vibration she creates. He controls his emotional nature and he doesn't scold her if she has a hard time controlling her emotional nature, because he realizes that she lives more in the Ida force & goes through emotional cycles.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The "I" thought

I was really amazed by this discovery that the sense of "I" which is the root cause of all duality is itself a thought which we acquire when we are around 2.5 years old. Before that babies do not know individuality. With Individuality : all other things arise. Thoughts such as i came, I went, I love so and so, i hate so and so .... and so on. This "I" thought is the root cause of all misery and lack of fulfillment : as whatever we do is for its satisfaction. But upon keen observation it is observed that it is just another thought : in fact one of the first thoughts to arise when awareness flows in the world of the mind and the last thought to disappear. The next thought is probably the motivation thought: Behind every thought there is a motive: that motive is happiness to oneself (the "I"). Thus mindlessly all our thoughts and acts are tainted with selfishness.

Even when we say we love God: its only because he has promised you something in the so called future or there is a belief in the mind that he will protect you and take care of your needs. If he were not doing it or something bad happens: we start justifying.

Even when we love "only our family" there is a sense of "my family" (mine). The instinctive animal behavior : the nest has to be protected by all means creeps in. So in the truest sense this is not love but only attachment. True love is Universal love, which is causeless and which is not based on the principle of give and take.

True love is Universal love and is of the Visuddha chakra which is located in the throat astrally. When the kundalini energy rises to this chakra due to evolution: a person generally either works for a non-profit organization which is mainly aimed to serve others selflessly, or becomes a great philanthropist if he/she has lot of money. This universal love is an expression of the higher nature of the soul and works even if the individual does not get any benefit by the work he is doing. This is a true example of karma yoga : work without any expectation of fruits.

Generally the love and attachment in family life is not so. Its generally on the anava marga that most families exist and tread. If you are useful to me - I love you. If tomorrow you become a burden to me in finance, motivation, lack of love etc : i don't need you anymore. In simple terms this form of love is just business (give and take). a wife loves husband only if he provides her needs and vice-versa. Kids love parents only if they are taken care of and spoken nice words and toys and vice-versa. the goal is to transcend from the limited form of give and take love to universal love which is of the higher chakras.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Contemplation Technique

- Stay in a completely Mindful State
- Look at the problem/question mindfully to understand
- Intuit an answer
- Evaluate answer if its kind, helpful & makes someone/oneself happy
- Detach yourself from Mind itself to observe the answer again
- Use proper words and deliver it to oneself or world