Monday, November 29, 2010

Summary of learnings over the last few months

- Dissatisfaction usually works as a catalyst for good meditation.
- The motivation thought stratum preceeds every thought.
- Have the goal "final end result" very clear even amidst confusion.
- Affirmation is believing, Believing is everything - its the key to getting things done.
- Add a new habit in life - by setting up consequences for yourself.
- When you feel empty inside (no internal dialogues) and breath regulated - you are perceiving.
- Even When perceiving only the physical plane - you are superconscious
- When there is too much to get done - use the ajna chakra - as it functions at a higher rate of consciousness
- How we breathe is how we live.
- Give up the illusion that you are the "Doer" - Master Oogway
- Regulate all the time-pass activities - so that you don't get carried away by them (Ex: 2 hrs of TV - after that no more, similarly the computer time, internet time etc)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nice learning in meditation today

Namah sivaya,

The constant dissatisfaction of not being able to "be" in the meditative state, ironically is the motivation for deeper meditation as i understand today.

Observe that one of the bigger distractions during meditation is language, of the inner mind, which constantly tries to explain itself or what the ego is upto. This can be avoided by concentration on the external world and regulated breath.

Hush the inner voice of the mind, look at it & mke sure it stops talking in order to reach the constant perception.

Once meditation is over carry the same power in external world and beware that the abundant energy just generated inside you after meditation should be used cautiously and not lost in lower emotional nature.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The bondage of the soul

Anava, Karma and Maya - these keep the soul in bondage - day after day, year after year, decade after decade, life after life.

Seemingly good souls going through cycles of happiness and suffering - unable to understand each other and causing suffering to everyone and more specifically themselves. This is the dance of Siva, yes it truly is His dance, but one which is played with a tear in an eye.

Is suffering really a higher state of consciousness? Is all experience nothing but a learning? Anava is the individual ego always self centered, non understanding is its nature, people bound by anava always tend to see from their own perspective. They are emotional, tend to love themselves which is reflected in their talks of self pity. Blaming others due to their own self created karma, they are baffled in the ups & downs of happiness and distress - a creation of maya (a projection of their own mind).

Thus anava, karma and maya are responsible for keeping the soul bound to the cycle of birth, disease, old age and death.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being energy

You need no shouting when you withdraw into understanding. You need no speaking when you are seated in superconsciousness. You need no holy rites when you are inwardly detached. You need no meditation when you have reached the actionless state.

Tirumantiram 1634

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Karma - The law of the mind

Karma - The law of the mind
Thursday, November 11, 2010
10:08 AM
During Diwali weekend - experienced a rather tough experience in life which made me realize the how my energies released-forth get back to me.  The energy which powers the mind, the body - comes from the very essence of existence. The energy can be used for both constructive, creative purposes or destruction.

There are guidelines in Hindu religion which propose the best way to use this energy - these guidelines are The Yamas and Niyamas found in classical Yoga. One of the most important Yama is Ahimsa. - Non-injury - not just physically but all by thoughts, words and actions. If the energies are used against this principle (by causing harm through thoughts) - the same would return back through "channels" - which could be anyone - relatives or friends.

I have vowed to use these energies of mine in a creative and constructive way - and vowed to follow ahimsa in Life after this experience from this great University of Life.

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