Thursday, November 11, 2010

Karma - The law of the mind

Karma - The law of the mind
Thursday, November 11, 2010
10:08 AM
During Diwali weekend - experienced a rather tough experience in life which made me realize the how my energies released-forth get back to me.  The energy which powers the mind, the body - comes from the very essence of existence. The energy can be used for both constructive, creative purposes or destruction.

There are guidelines in Hindu religion which propose the best way to use this energy - these guidelines are The Yamas and Niyamas found in classical Yoga. One of the most important Yama is Ahimsa. - Non-injury - not just physically but all by thoughts, words and actions. If the energies are used against this principle (by causing harm through thoughts) - the same would return back through "channels" - which could be anyone - relatives or friends.

I have vowed to use these energies of mine in a creative and constructive way - and vowed to follow ahimsa in Life after this experience from this great University of Life.

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