Friday, August 31, 2012

Ramana maharshi teachings through baba ram dass

I am not the organs of movement namely the hands (ever seen the ego observing the hands?), the legs, the tongue, the anus or the genitals

I am not the 5 senses : the eyes which see things, the ears which hear and listen to many things, the nose which smells and breathes, the mouth which eats food and speaks, the skin which feels and likes sensuality. These I'm NOT

I'm neither the internal movements, circulation, digestion, excretion, respiration or perspiration

I'm not this body or head not even this thought or ego which says I'm not this, not that.

I'm not even the watcher who is watching, also called awareness.

Thus systematically detach oneself from the body and the mind and the thoughts or beliefs which are closest sand sticky and "be".


"this is called Self Enquiry"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

This song is of the soul

Watch "Rabbi Shergill - Bulla Ki Jaana Maen Kaun" on YouTube

The meaning of the song comes within the above video itself, and is the essence of advaita or non-duality.

This beautiful blog has the meaning of the lyrics as well.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two things I learn from Deepak Chopra book

-Effortless attainment : a fish doesn't put effort to swim or hover, a Plant didn't put to grow, yet it happens in nature

-to know your Dharma: what is it that you would do if you had a lot of money? if the answer is you would continue to do the same work which you are doing now which would help mankind in some way, then you have discovered your Dharma and passion.

Also says that intention is devoid of end result and the attachment to it, didn't understand this properly

-Said something like we are pure potential, and then there is intention. Things just happen when the potential mixes with intention and observes it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Awesome Bhagat

Found this quote from chetan bhagat inspiring

Friday, August 17, 2012

Find the security within

Nobody can take away the feeling of security which one feels when he is not attached to anything in life :)

This dawned lately upon me, thanks to the Gods, attachment causes all sorts of problems, detachment which is affectionate is actinic force free of hassle.

I was (and still am to some extent) attached to growth in career, leading to fear and future thoughts. While these are natural to most professional workers, career is just a part of life, it itself is not life. What would happen if you don't grow in career? at worst you could stagnate in same position when you retire, or worse even get fired if your performance is really bad. Fine, there are 1000 other ways to make a living. Keep the creative energies high and there won't even be a situation which would cause problems in career. But don't be attached. Attachment gives rise to fear, fear gives rise to anger, jealousy, loss of the quiet, and all sorts of complications. The soul is much greater than all this which keeps incarnating in avatars after avatars just to experience : Maya, karma and Anava, this is represented by the 3 lines in the forehead which Siva devotees apply. know that Siva is the life within your life.

Be that secure one within. Be detached, be affectionate


The day went really bad, though I did try my best to work as above on inner security. Passport renewal failed, insurance failed renewal as policy got canceled. Karma sure sucks, but its my own creation :(

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Experiences in life

Difficult experiences in life forced me to quiet my thinking and emoting mind.

Observe that its impossible to think continually and emote when you are sitting straight with neck erect coupled with breathing diagrammatically.

The Ida and Pingala currents
I managed to balance the currents and listen to the E and C sounds by grabbing them in meditation after a sustained concentration effort today morning. When they were about to merge on top, observed the pink Ida current on left side, and the blue Pingala current on right side. Both these became one at the center at the top, and became white light also known as sushumna, this is characterized by the eee sound in the inner ear.

The pink current or ida or yin is predominantly feminine in nature, we emote a lot while in this current, the blue pingala is its opposite, the yang, masculine current with intellectual aggression and thinking predominating.

Living in each alone makes life difficult as it will soon lead to its polar opposite. that is, thinking too much carries awareness to areas which emote. I went through some difficult experiences recently which forced me to sit, which forced me to quiet my mind, which forced me to mediate deeply, and thanks to it, I actually realized these two energies within me.

Silent chanting of Aum
The Aum mantra starts with AA which vibrates the body and brings awareness from the muladhara & svadhishtana chakras (which are associated with memory and reasoning, thinking) to the throat when the UU letters are uttered, and then merge in the head when the MM letters vibrate in the center of the head. This practice brings about the merging of ida and pingala into the sushumna current. Actually saw this happening today with the third eye. Aum

Thank you gurudeva. The lessons 260 and 261 of merging with Siva book helped me to realize this within me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Being the Observer

I am being immensely helped by Baba Ramdass podcasts. Am able to maintain the state of observer and write down where all my mind goes during day to day life.

Biggest learning from this

  • My beliefs about myself were all wrong.  I see where all my awareness goes, its full of instinctiveness - fear, anger, passion dominating it most of the time with the spiritual strivings sneaking in every now and then
  • The ego was embarrassed by seeing itself and how low it could get under the right circumstances of trigger from the external world.
  • The ego observes that it has no right to criticize anyone as whatever it sees within itself is the same within all others, for one it may be fear of ill health for another it may be fear of stock market or career, but underlying principle of fear is there in all humans who are unrealized. The beginning of understanding and compassion for all beings for their failures.
  • The ego realizes the importance of containment and sublimation. How to use the bodily energies creatively for a higher purpose and the consequences of not doing it -- i.e to lose the state of being observer
  • That suffering is a higher state of consciousness than happiness as its very easy to observe the mind and its ramifications when in distress than when things are fine.