Friday, August 31, 2012

Ramana maharshi teachings through baba ram dass

I am not the organs of movement namely the hands (ever seen the ego observing the hands?), the legs, the tongue, the anus or the genitals

I am not the 5 senses : the eyes which see things, the ears which hear and listen to many things, the nose which smells and breathes, the mouth which eats food and speaks, the skin which feels and likes sensuality. These I'm NOT

I'm neither the internal movements, circulation, digestion, excretion, respiration or perspiration

I'm not this body or head not even this thought or ego which says I'm not this, not that.

I'm not even the watcher who is watching, also called awareness.

Thus systematically detach oneself from the body and the mind and the thoughts or beliefs which are closest sand sticky and "be".


"this is called Self Enquiry"

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