Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Flow of Karmic Energies

Thoughts are quicker than words. But the mind likes to verbalise the thoughts in order to get a sense of satisfaction.

Off late, I'm beginning to observe the flow of karmic energies between myself and people around me. I observe that many a times, the karmic reaction that a person has to receive ends up happening through me. And sometimes the karmic reaction that I need to receive happens through them.

I'm beginning to understand how it can be very important at times to stay aloof and unattached to people, places, things and circumstances.

Also have begun to realise that if I'm surrounded by negative people who are pessimistic and complaining all the time, their attitudes are not to be blamed for this, they're going through their evolutionary cycle.

And somehow knowingly or unknowingly I myself have invited the circumstances and association with such people. Dealing with them and going through the experiences they offer is a part of my karma. Hence it has to be faced positively.

Reacting to them will only cause more karma to get accumulated in the sanchita karma bucket. This in turn will cause more associations with such people in a future life as well.

Face all karma cheerfully and at the same time be unattached to people place circumstances gadgets career intellect, material possessions etc.

Do not unnecessarily get into conversations , no matter how tempting it is with known or unknown people unless required. This will open up less possibilities for karma to use you to deliver its energies. Affectionate detachment is the key word that gurudeva uses to explain the attitude to be sought.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chennai Visit

It was a wonderful meeting with Bodhinatha gurudeva at Chennai at the GRT Grand Hotel. Some of the key takeaways from that appointment are

  • See and Love Siva in everyone, remember that each has that potential of Sivaness yet to be realized.
  • Pay full attention without any internal chanting when in a conversation, this will make sure others don't feel that you are pre-occupied.
  • Pay attention to the few crucial problems / complaints from the many if they are thrown at you.
  • Perfection in Willpower automatically leads to direct cognition. And willpower cultivation means – finishing what you start and making sure you do things to the best of your abilities, putting more effort in every step possible. It doesn't matter if the work being done is trivial like washing a vessel, cutting a vegetable or advanced as developing software or designing a complex algorithm. Willpower can be applied equally in both.

I am also reading a book called “Effortless Meditation”. The wonderful thing I realized about it is that if a thought is coming spontaneously in your mind and if you perceive it that it came (without getting into the thinking aspects of it) then you are in stillness and in effortless meditation. The idea is to be in Effortless meditation all of the time.