Thursday, December 19, 2019

No more negativity

Update: though I'm not able to get up at 4 everyday. Siva pooja and morning satsang is happening daily. Need to include kriya and yoga. 

Dear Siva,

I make a decision to Do sadhana everyday by getting up at 4 am if there are no negative thought currents in the people I interact closely with. Please make it happen

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

thank you for 10 dec

For ensuring my friend Baskar's father succesful discharge from Hospital. 

This was what was prayed and you made it happen : We just want him to be on his feet and live properly for a while. We don’t want him to suffer or go like this.

Thanks for removing me from a major delusion that haunted me for a major part of my life. 

Aum Tatpurushaya Vidmahe
Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tannoh Rudra Prachodayat

Update : on 30 Dec I got the news that He passed on 29th Dec after recovering and spending some good time with his family.