Sunday, July 16, 2017

How you react to life defines you

If health is not good, you are obese or diabetic - look at the reason for it. Chances are it's your lifestyle which contributed to it. A rolling stone gathers no moss, so also an active body does not suffer diseases.

Lifestyle became less active probably because of the fact that you have given importance to studies more than any physical activity or sports during your formative years, reason was probably that parents wanted you to focus on studies, always asked you to focus on studies than anything else.

Many stock market biggies have poor health as they have given money as the most prominent role in life than health. Then they lose all their hard earned money on treating diseases.

Sometimes you're not spending nature may affect your partner who may want you to spend more. You may be conservative. Again there would be a reason for it. You might have grown up in middle class or poverty due to which you value money more. Or your parents trained you that way as money was scant.

The law of action and reaction constantly at work in shaping up experience.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Attachment (excerpt from the Himalayan masters)

I thought of you when I read this quote from "Living With the Himalayan Masters" by Swami Rama - "“The strongest of bondages is created by attachment, which makes one weak, ignorant, and unaware of the absolute Reality. Maya, or illusion, is deeply rooted in attachment. When we are attached to or have a desire for something, it becomes a source of illusion for us. Those who are free from attachments and have directed their desires toward spiritual growth are free from the bondage of maya—illusion. The less attachment, the more inner strength; the more inner strength, the nearer the goal. Vairagya and abhyasa—non-attachment and constant awareness of absolute Reality—are like two wings of a bird which can fly from the plane of mortality to the height of immortality." Start reading this book for free:

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Recent Observations

Waiting for thoughts to collect and delivering them in the shortest possible combination of words

Observed the daily routine of my parents. It's following the same patterns daily - early morning coffee, watering plants, getting milk, breakfast, speaking with daughter, watching TV, rest, lunch, TV, rest, walk, dinner, TV, rest. Kitchen keeps them very busy and they express their love by making the dishes I love whenever I go there. I'm thankful and ever grateful to life to provide such parents for me. Saw their youthful pictures when we were kids, they were happy though busy with work and money wasn't there too much but just enough.

Watched Baahubali 2 movie - a war for fight for power, circle of fate, revenge, power, Dharma, etc .... But time is most powerful as everything is temporary.

I can't spend time in temporary things anymore. Need to find if there is anything permanent. Aum

Friday, March 24, 2017

Shifting the base

Shift the base from Muladhara to Visuddha and live in the consciousness of universal love where there is nothing but care for others due to this temporary life

Develop a Ritual and stick to it every day ... Use micro-habits to get the momentum

Use affirmation and reprogram the Subconscious followed by vasana daha tantra

Following thus anger, lust fear nothing can affect you

Affirmation and Micro-habits

If you have heard the TED talk on micro-habits you would have realised how important it is to cultivate in ourselves and can potentially change our life and behavioral patterns. Very useful for both novice and addicts who want to make a change in life.

What I observed is affirmations can be tied with micro-habits to create change in the Subconscious mind itself.

Example : a micro-habit works like this : before I pee I will do one push up. Effort is very less and making a commitment like this and meeting it is easy. This has huge potential to turn into a habit. Especially if followed correct other rewarding ourselves.

I was struggling with changing a habit pattern and needed to create a affirmation around it. I used micro-habits to repair the Subconscious by repeating the affirmation during specific times of day and it worked like a miracle (so far).

My life is slowly changing and affirmation tied with micro-habits is helping me in applying the principles and making it work for me

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sivas will be done

Aum namah Shivaya

Thou will be done.

Anbe Sivamayam Satyame Parasivam

I beg Siva to help me surrender to His will

I pray Siva to help me in making correct decisions in line with Dharma without creating Karma.

The subconscious

Extremely difficult it is to harness the Subconscious. It keeps going back to us old habits. Many bodily actions fall under this category. They are all ingrained in the Subconscious Mind.

Micro-habits to associate few habits I want to cultivate.  Example : one pushup after you pee :) as mentioned in Ted talk.

Know that the energy or Siva has its own ways and paths. Mind can't search or find it. There is no other instrument which can help to find it. When Dharma is well performed and Karma has been exhausted - the Self merges in itself leading to the only possible inexperience.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Recent learnings : Eating, Knowledge

The eating quantity should fit within thev two palms. That'll be just enough for the stomach.

You cannot experience anything without knowledge. Mind is only interested in one thing : self perpetuation. It creates the demand for thoughts and invents various concepts. Most of those Concepts​ are projection of knowledge. Knowledge creates experience, experience fortifies knowledge. Thus resulting in the endless cycle of Maya.

The body somehow knows that it is not going to die. But that is not so for the mind and so it keeps inventing concepts like reincarnation. (According to UG)

His question: if you can not experience life how can you even experience death. Can I experience anything without knowledge ?

The demand for continuity comes from the mind. Mind is an instrument. Once it strikes you that this instrument is not going to help in getting any closer to your Self and there is no other instrument. The entire process of searching stops.