Monday, April 28, 2008

Anantha Varthamanam - The eternal "Now"

What is the instant? That is what we have to discover through a moment of concentration. What is the moment? This brings awareness to the "Now"

Just as an example, how many times have you gone to the temple without being fully there? Part of you was there, part of you was living in the past, part of you was trying to live in the future; and there you were, emoting over the things that happened that should never have happened, and fearful of things that might happen in the future, which probably won't happen unless you continue being fearful of their happening until you create them!

Do you know that the ability to live right now, in the instant, is a spiritual power, reflecting the awakening of the soul and requiring a subconscious control of the mind? Your soul is never bothered with the things that disturb the rest of the mind! The mind lives in the past, and the mind tries to live in the future. But when you quiet your mind, you live in the present. You are living within your soul, or the higher state of your mind which is undisturbed by the things of time.

When you continue in the consciousness of the eternal now, something mysterious and wonderful begins to happen -- your soul, your superconscious, begins to work out your spiritual destiny. When you quiet your mind, and only when you quiet your mind, you give your soul a chance. What difference does it make if you do have problems? They will work themselves out if you can keep the confusion of your lower states of mind out of the way.

When you find yourself with your mind calmed, your future automatically works itself out. It takes the average person some time before he can bring his entire mind and all his actions into the focus of the eternal now. Just hearing about it is not going to give you a birth into that state of consciousness. You will have to struggle and strive to hold the eternal now. It will take constant practice of spiritual principles to permeate the grosser layers of the mind with the clarity of the eternal now.

The Practice

As the first attempt in finding the infinite reality of the eternity of the moment, sit quietly, draw all of your faculties into the center of your head and try to see the glowing white light there. When this light is seen, a high-pitched sound might also be heard, and you are then in the eternity of the moment. Bringing oneself to the repetition of this practice successfully and systematically, day after day, month after month, year after year is the yoga to be practiced to merge awareness deeper and deeper into superconsciousness.

Below is a beautiful poem (Courtesy : describing the eternal now from Buddhism

all is one
joy is to be sung
life has just begun
in eternal now

for eternal now lies in between each thought
but the ego lays its' traps and we are caught
held in its web of suffering
and the only way to freedom is within eternal now

So love while you can
every child of man
life is not - 'I am'
in eternal now

So love while you may
all that comes your way
life is for today
in eternal now

but thanks can be given
till this world is riven
life is just for living
in eternal now

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Be energy, think energy, feel energy

My Next goal to be attained : Steadfastness, dhriti: Overcoming nonperseverance,fear, indecision and changeableness.

Feel the energy at the centre of the spine, its like feeling something in a hollow space in you - something intangible. Its that easy to grasp the essence of the inner being, that which powers the nerves, the hands and the legs. That is the energy powers the whole body, powers the fingers i use to type, the same energy which manifests thoughts, the same energy which also makes me react. The same energy works in everyone and either makes a person a saint or a sinner depending on how he uses it. My guru says - Be this energy always. On doing it, one starts living in the present, soon starts seeing the clear white light in the head and things fall under the right perspective. Practice supersedes philosophy, intellectual knowing, everything -- so Be the energy and claim the inner being as you.

Its a higher state of consciousness to live in and you are more aware.

Remember that all the greatest souls have had the toughest experiences, heartbreaks, emotional disasters, they have also had the greatest temptations and distractions, they have all had enough experiences, so many experiences to make their awareness finally turn in on itself and be the pure energy. Enjoy the doing, enjoy the journey when you do it - not the end result, because the one which waits for the end result is but a subconscious habit pattern not the all intuitive self. Aum

Cyclic Habit Patterns

Old habit patterns repeat themselves when you are least aware. Thats why its very important to keep awareness continuously renewed in the present and remember past mistakes in order to not repeat them. A similar experience which i had blogged a few months back repeated itself. Life is truly a great university of constant learning. Its important to be steadfast in spiritual learning and meditation on a daily basis to improve and not repeat past mistakes. Laziness is a bad habit which doesn't allow a person to be steadfast. It often accompanies "Tiredness", so people who are tired often tend to be lazy. By controlling breath, it is possible to keep the mind and body relaxed and never get tired. So which again comes to keeping awareness always at the present. If this is possible -- all will be well.

Instead of getting frustrated when goals are missed - follow what the Tirumantiram states

The holy scripture - Tirumantiram states

When you seek to reach the Lord and miss your goal, take it as the work of your past evil karmas and fervently persevere in your devotion. You shall, at last, reach the Primal Lord.

Tirumantiram 2668

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Effect of meditation - evolution of the soul

Off late im observing the biggest motivator for my meditation. Its the experiences in life that come soon after a deep meditation. They come unexpectedly and are so necessary for my own evolution. The experiences teach something after i have had their experience provided i had been observant.

Had i forgotten doing meditation for a few days -- the experiences dont come --- or rather come at a very slow pace and even if they come i end up not noticing them -- thereby not learning anything out of it.

Experiencing this fact right now in Singapore as i write this blog on my vacation.

Now is experiencing so many things at a time good ? Yes, Yes, the reason is here --- " -- Then finally it will have enough experiences flowing through the mind to turn in on itself. When this happens, certain faculties come into being. One of them is willpower. And we learn to hold attention. We learn to hold awareness at attention. "

Attention, is the first ingredient to attain self realization, Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation are the next ingredients which finally lead man to his final goal of living on this planet.

The more the experiences the soul faces, the more evolved and older it gets -- thereby fastening the attainment of the ultimate goal.