Thursday, April 24, 2008

Be energy, think energy, feel energy

My Next goal to be attained : Steadfastness, dhriti: Overcoming nonperseverance,fear, indecision and changeableness.

Feel the energy at the centre of the spine, its like feeling something in a hollow space in you - something intangible. Its that easy to grasp the essence of the inner being, that which powers the nerves, the hands and the legs. That is the energy powers the whole body, powers the fingers i use to type, the same energy which manifests thoughts, the same energy which also makes me react. The same energy works in everyone and either makes a person a saint or a sinner depending on how he uses it. My guru says - Be this energy always. On doing it, one starts living in the present, soon starts seeing the clear white light in the head and things fall under the right perspective. Practice supersedes philosophy, intellectual knowing, everything -- so Be the energy and claim the inner being as you.

Its a higher state of consciousness to live in and you are more aware.

Remember that all the greatest souls have had the toughest experiences, heartbreaks, emotional disasters, they have also had the greatest temptations and distractions, they have all had enough experiences, so many experiences to make their awareness finally turn in on itself and be the pure energy. Enjoy the doing, enjoy the journey when you do it - not the end result, because the one which waits for the end result is but a subconscious habit pattern not the all intuitive self. Aum

Cyclic Habit Patterns

Old habit patterns repeat themselves when you are least aware. Thats why its very important to keep awareness continuously renewed in the present and remember past mistakes in order to not repeat them. A similar experience which i had blogged a few months back repeated itself. Life is truly a great university of constant learning. Its important to be steadfast in spiritual learning and meditation on a daily basis to improve and not repeat past mistakes. Laziness is a bad habit which doesn't allow a person to be steadfast. It often accompanies "Tiredness", so people who are tired often tend to be lazy. By controlling breath, it is possible to keep the mind and body relaxed and never get tired. So which again comes to keeping awareness always at the present. If this is possible -- all will be well.

Instead of getting frustrated when goals are missed - follow what the Tirumantiram states

The holy scripture - Tirumantiram states

When you seek to reach the Lord and miss your goal, take it as the work of your past evil karmas and fervently persevere in your devotion. You shall, at last, reach the Primal Lord.

Tirumantiram 2668

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