Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Patanjali Yoga sutras

Yoga chitta vritti nirodah

This is a Sanskrit text by an enlightened being many many 1000 years back. It means "yoga means to control the mental patterns " and its relevant even today. I love patanjali sutras which were small short sentences but having deep meaning.

Some more of his :

2. Ego is when the observer identifies with the instruments of observing.

3. The only possible ways the ego functions is by attachment to pleasure or aversion from pain.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How is the ego different from the Self

My dear friend Mirko from Italy asked me this question. I did tell him what I knew theoritically but my knowledge is tainted and I have really not experienced it to say it to him properly.
Fortunately the timing of my master course study today was so right that I got just the answers that I and my friend needed. The answers are in sloka 27 and 28 from my guru.
From now on I learn that its best to point to my gurus words instead of me trying to explain in my own words.
Jai Ganapathi!

Update: Ego appears when the seer identifies himself with the instrument of seeing. This misidentification is maya.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Instinctive mind

I'm sometimes more scared of my instinctive mind than that of the people who are acting instinctively and try to intimidate me. According to my prarabdha karma I do have few people in life who bring out the lower instincts in me such as anger and fear at times. Luckily these occasions are rare but they do occur and I do vasana daha tantra whenever it happens to clear my subconscious and then mentally bring the person in front of me who caused this and i say I love u, you love me. This smoothes down the lower instincts and replaces them through the functions of the visuddha chakras which governs universal love. However I still am amazed that how well the lower chakras suddenly manifest in me in certain situations reminding me that I'm still a newbie in the art of mind control. Some days appear peaceful but that only means the situation to bring you to lower chakras hasn't shown up. When the situation arises how I handle it is the real test offered by this great university of life.

Jai Ganapathi

Saturday, October 8, 2011


These are the problems which are with me. Something is wrong with me as I'm overindulging in these things which I must correct

1. Over spending time on flashing better ROM on my android phone ... i got to overcome this gadget addiction
2. Too much time being spent on Facebook, twitter, android market, apps, backing up data and ROM s
3. Not meditating regularly : wrongly directed desires are keeping me away from it.
4. Trilogy course continuity is lost after taking a break due to sons birth and travel to Pune.
6. Watching TV more than required.
7. Not performing hatha yoga for physical body
8. Not visiting temple regularly
9. Not doing basic chores on time.
10. Not getting up early.

I have all the tools that I need to hit my spiritual goals : audio podcasts from gurudeva, trilogy books, company of saivites on Facebook groups for solving any questions on Hinduism or methods of sadhana, media : audio and video from gurudeva, pranayama, vasana daha tantra for burning up the past and clearing the subconscious, ganga sadhana, hatha yoga asanas, plenty of undisturbed time at home on weekends, flexible office times etc. I need to make all this work for me and there is no better time to start them than "now" ..... Time to get back to focus on important things. Aum

Friday, October 7, 2011

Vishwadharma Podcasts

Loved the Sri Ramakrishnananda Podcasts. I love the way he speaks slowly, with clarity and cognition that is going to strike your heart directly.



Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's past and future?

The 'Past' is when awareness is flowing through memory patterns. Past is memory, past is thought, past is mind.

Future is when awareness is flowing through expectations. Expectations are again based on what has happened to us in the past.

Both past and future are therefore past only, and therefore memory only, and therefore thought only and therefore the mind only.

In the "now" there is no memory. Therefore no thought, only SEEING