Thursday, March 21, 2019

Identity shift

Update on 16th Feb 2020: took a conscious decision to break my own vow due to some distraction in life. Need to complete with this. Watching a few comics can also divert the mind from vow. Need to be careful going fwd. A few days back a dream came which could have led to the breakage in continuity. Will renew my vow and complete with Paramashiva. 

Update on 17th Sept 2019 : Still able to maintain continuity. My will has taken over the mind and body. Ayurveda has helped overcome my Allergies.

Update on 4th Aug 2019 : I am able to maintain integrity to this inner image and vow for more than a month now which is assuring. Thanks to Siva and Shakti. I see the mind and whatever it does for what it is - past. And I'm living in the unclutched space according to my guru Sri Nithyananda πŸ™ ever indebted to Him for teaching me these techniques

27-06-2019 - My inner image : I vow to lead the life of a jivan Mukta, and of a brahmachari. Let this body and mind that I am bearing be integrated to my will. Let all old identities drop and let my new identity be of that of a jivan mukta. This means my body and mind won't encourage any thoughts other than that related to enlightenment, enriching all and gratitude to Siva πŸ™

Let my will be done. Thanks to the cosmos and my Guru Sri Nithyananda for helping me arrive at this vowπŸ’

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I'm a wave

- I was a water drop in the ocean

- I got picked by evaporation into the clouds

- it rained and I fell on some rocks

- got attached to those rocks but I slipped and had to let go and become part of the river

- got attached to the fishes there but then had to let go and continue flowing

- got attached to certain banks of the river , but then had to let go and continue flowing

- fell down and hurt myself many times in water falls and striking rocks in rough patches of the river 

- many landscapes I observed on the banks were beautiful and I wanted to hold on. I may have been successful holding on to some banks for some time. 

- eventually had to let go and continue flowing

- this constant attachment to banks and losing them made me realise one thing - I'm meant to flow in complete surrender

- I persisted flowing without getting attached

- many others flowing with me continued collecting sand, getting attached to banks only to lose them eventually

- some of them were happy being larger wavesπŸ™‚ were proud of it

- some of them were upset with their shape as they flowed 

- some of them wanted to be logical as to how to flow and what to do next

- some of them were blissfully tuned in to the river with no attachment and took life as it came

- finally the future became the present (meeting and merging in the ocean)

- then only I realised that even for one moment was I ever not water. 

As water waves with ocean
And Flames with fire
The universal waves with us.


Sunday, March 10, 2019

Restarting (powerful cognitions)

How can I convert this moment or job into attaining the Cosmos / enlightenment? How can whatever I'm doing take me to my goal of cosmos. If not how can I change it ?

From this day,  I vow to bear the brahmacharya identity, this body which I inhabit will only be used for enlightenment and living the life of a jivan Mukta. This mind will only allow thoughts related to enlightenment and enriching others. Let all my bodily parts and organs co-operate in executing my will.

Every moment by my very nature I unclutch and I'm liberated. Is the ego which wants to control the mind and think it needs to do this or that.

Keeping the senses in the front, with attention in 3rd eye area and breath balanced.  When does consciousness become the mind ? Try to find out while the 3rd eye breathes

Hamsa happening every moment. Not going with the pulls of rajas and tamas every second and being in satva - the middle path. Gaining clarity of Jiva and Jagat leading to clarity of  Iswara also. Hamsa meditation also forces you to accept yourself as you are. And come back to satva.

The patterns are dead already only life is will

Breaking the shafts of the past every moment

Take a Hamsa breath before any talking or deciding and listening and feel Sivas energy working through people around you. Guiding you to make you successful. Realise it's a dream at the end of the day.

Let me have 4 things : Shakti, Buddhi, Yukti and Bhakti

Remember you and everyone around you is a walking mirror - reflecting the thoughts put in you by others

Every time I chant the Mahavakya, remember that it's Siva (light of awareness, energy) looking at the fluctuating mind and body.

Create a circle where you are seeing the diety and diety is seeing you. Use it for people you interact with and also for things like books.