Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I'm a wave

- I was a water drop in the ocean

- I got picked by evaporation into the clouds

- it rained and I fell on some rocks

- got attached to those rocks but I slipped and had to let go and become part of the river

- got attached to the fishes there but then had to let go and continue flowing

- got attached to certain banks of the river , but then had to let go and continue flowing

- fell down and hurt myself many times in water falls and striking rocks in rough patches of the river 

- many landscapes I observed on the banks were beautiful and I wanted to hold on. I may have been successful holding on to some banks for some time. 

- eventually had to let go and continue flowing

- this constant attachment to banks and losing them made me realise one thing - I'm meant to flow in complete surrender

- I persisted flowing without getting attached

- many others flowing with me continued collecting sand, getting attached to banks only to lose them eventually

- some of them were happy being larger wavesπŸ™‚ were proud of it

- some of them were upset with their shape as they flowed 

- some of them wanted to be logical as to how to flow and what to do next

- some of them were blissfully tuned in to the river with no attachment and took life as it came

- finally the future became the present (meeting and merging in the ocean)

- then only I realised that even for one moment was I ever not water. 

As water waves with ocean
And Flames with fire
The universal waves with us.


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