Friday, August 17, 2012

Find the security within

Nobody can take away the feeling of security which one feels when he is not attached to anything in life :)

This dawned lately upon me, thanks to the Gods, attachment causes all sorts of problems, detachment which is affectionate is actinic force free of hassle.

I was (and still am to some extent) attached to growth in career, leading to fear and future thoughts. While these are natural to most professional workers, career is just a part of life, it itself is not life. What would happen if you don't grow in career? at worst you could stagnate in same position when you retire, or worse even get fired if your performance is really bad. Fine, there are 1000 other ways to make a living. Keep the creative energies high and there won't even be a situation which would cause problems in career. But don't be attached. Attachment gives rise to fear, fear gives rise to anger, jealousy, loss of the quiet, and all sorts of complications. The soul is much greater than all this which keeps incarnating in avatars after avatars just to experience : Maya, karma and Anava, this is represented by the 3 lines in the forehead which Siva devotees apply. know that Siva is the life within your life.

Be that secure one within. Be detached, be affectionate


The day went really bad, though I did try my best to work as above on inner security. Passport renewal failed, insurance failed renewal as policy got canceled. Karma sure sucks, but its my own creation :(

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