Saturday, February 10, 2007

Step I - Aligning myself with the divine guidelines

The below Yamas & Niyamas will be guidelines for every thought/physical action in my life from today. Im finally aligning myself with the divine laws and i proceed with complete faith and confidence that by following the below right conducts and right behaviours, Gods grace will shine on me, will work for me and eventually whatever happens will be for my spiritual evolutionary progress. Aum Gurudevaya Namah.

The Ten Yamas, Restraints for Proper Conduct from the Vedas

Ahimsa - Non-injury : Not harming others, by thought word or deed. To give up revenge
Satya - Truthfullness : Refraining from lying and betraying promises.
Asteya - Non-stealing : Neither stealing, nor coveting, nor entering into debt.
brahmacharya - Divine conduct : Controlling lust by remaining celibate when single.
kshama - Patience : Restraining intolerance and impatience in dealing with circumstances
dhriti - Steadfastedness : Overcoming nonperseverance, Indecision, Fear and changeable ness (flickering mind)
daya - Compassion : Conquering insensitive feelings towards all beings
arjava - Honesty, Straightforward : Renouncing deception & wrong doing
mitahara - Moderate eating : Neither eating in excess, nor consuming meat/eggs
shaucha - Purity : Avoiding impurity in mind, body and speech.

The Ten Niyamas, Observances for Spiritual Life from the Vedas

hri - Remorse : Being modest and showing shame for misdeeds.
santosha - Contentment : Seeking joy and serenity in life.
dana - Giving : Sacrificing and being generous without thought of expectations
astikya - Faith : Believing firmly in God, Gods, guru and path to enlightenment.
Ishvarapujana - Worship of the Almighty : The cultivation of devotion through daily worship and meditation.
siddhanta shravana - Scriptural Listening : Studying the teachings and listening to the wise of one's lineage.
mati - Cognition : Developing a spiritual will and intellect with guru's guidance.
vrata - Sacred vows : Fulfilling religious vows, rules and observances faithfully.
japa - Recitation : Chanting mantras daily.
tapas - Austerity : Performing sadhana, penance, tapas and sacrifice.

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