Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Difficult Projects


Life offering me lot of difficult projects at work and also at home off late. These projects require undivided, zero distraction oriented attention in order to drive them to completion.

Though they are tough projects, its a great opportunity given by this great university of life to improve my concentration and willpower. My concentration has tremendously increased over the past weeks and I am able to hold awareness steady over my projects.

My guru says - This willpower and concentration thus cultivated from everyday life can be internalized later towards the final goal of self realization.

Here is an excerpt from “Merging with Siva” which talks about the same


It is not developing a strong will by having a lot of half-finished jobs. It is not developing a strong will by starting out with a bang on a project and then fizzling out. These only attach awareness to that which it is aware of and lead us into the distraction of thinking the external mind is real. Then we forget our inner goal of Self Realization because the subconscious becomes too ramified with, basically, our being disappointed in ourselves, or the willpower being so diversified, or awareness being so divided in many different ways that whatever we want to do never works out because there is not enough will, or shove, or centralization of energy, or awareness is not at attention over the project enough, to make it come into completion. A tremendous will is needed on the path of Self Realization, of drawing the forces of energy together, of drawing awareness away from that which it is aware of constantly, of finishing each job that we begin in the material world, and doing it well, so that we are content within ourselves. Make everything that you do satisfy the inner scrutiny of your inner being. Do a little more than you think that you are able to do. That brings forth just a little more will.

Related Posts : People with Willpower

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