Friday, March 12, 2010

Life with Shum is good!

It takes a while to understand that the past or the future really doesn't exist. I was working on solving a complex problem today and at the same time practising Shum in my mind. I observe that the awareness moves into the various strata of mind such as vumtyeudi and there is a lot of intellectual aggression towards solving the problem. Then awareness briefly moved into la and lam states. Then into the uuu state and a lot of thoughts and concepts are interrelated. I wasn't able to solve the problem. Then it was lunchtime, and consciously took awareness into the laf state while gobbling rotis. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, I intuitively found a solution for the problem which had kept my mind boggling for hours. When we are involved with the world and its ramifications it's easy to forget simple solutions to complex problems and there is a tendency to get carried away. Consciously bringing mind into focus into the laf state is the key to get solutions for those problems.

The more I practice Shum language the more I understand the importance of practising it. When things don't work your way awareness quickly switches to the future, which can be quickly detected through Shum.

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