Thursday, February 14, 2008


Nandinatha sutras explain the exceptions to ahimsa

Exceptions To Ahimsa
Siva's devotees, when unable to observe ahimsa perfectly, may claim three exceptions to preserve one life over another. But these must be used sparingly, reluctantly, after the noninjurious options have been tried. Aum.
  1. Self-defense And Law Enforcement Siva's devotees faced with imminent danger may elect to injure or kill to protect their life or that of another, or to defend the community as a soldier or a law officer in the line of duty. This is ahimsa's first exception. Aum.
  2. Preserving Life And Health Siva's devotees may elect to preserve the life and health of a person or animal under their care by forfeiting the life of organisms, such as worms or microbes, that pose a threat. This is the second exception to ahimsa. Aum.
  3. Predators And Pests Siva's devotees may elect to protect the home, the village and the nation by eradicating predators, pests, bacteria and disease-carrying creatures that threaten health or safety. This is ahimsa's third and last exception. Aum.

Noninjurious Solutions

Siva's devotees uphold the principle not to kill even household pests, but to stop their entry, not to kill garden insects or predators, but keep them away by natural means. This is the highest ideal. Aum Namah Sivaya.

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