Sunday, February 5, 2012

Observations in Jan

My observation has really improved in the last few Weeks and I'm able to observe so many things about myself which are part of the ego

+ addiction to finding a new ROM update for my phone, Thx to Android, this frankly has become too much time consuming and its time I do something about it

+ the instinctive mind is still extremely strong in me, fear, anger. I have no right to be judgmental on anyone as the what irks you in someone else is also in you, its the way human mind is with all its addictions to pleasure and escapades from pain, anger especially is if you see

+ observed the maximum ramifications of the mind in dreams, I write every morning whatever dreams I remember, when I look back, most of them just show how the mind branches and connects unrelated thoughts, they hardly make sense, few of them are specific ones where the mind mind is trying to express a repressed desire (leading to either the completion of that karma or intensification of it depending on how you react to it in real world)

+ mind plans to make a complete productive weekend but due to a lack of clear specific goal, most of them are wasted in useless pursuits

+ witnessed how the mind feels insecure if it doesn't hold to a belief (borrowed concept) during day to day life and conversations.

+ figured out how to be a good listener -- Really helps to b a Gud listener if you're observing where a person is in consciousness, generally all talks are abt esc pain/seek pleasure

+ men and women are not the same at all in the mind and the way we think, women are high on emotions: anger, fear, jealousy -- and they connect Past memories and future speculation when a topic makes them upset.same thing occurs in men also at times but not as freely as women.

+ does being ambitious and contentment go hand in hand? There is no contentment in the mind, it is after next thing always

+ when you see people of irritating nature and are upset with them, it is time to turn inwards are examine myself, the root cause of the problem is there.

+ When mind is too busy satisfying short term (immediate) desires, it loses focus on long term goals. Most of the failures in life can be attributed to this nature of man. The key may be to have a long term goal and have daily short term goals which are aligned to the long term goals

+ observed that when a man gets very old, he has trouble getting even the basic tasks correct --such as getting up with ease, attending nature calls, eating food by using hands properly, staying active and alert, the physical body must be well maintained to ensure it gives you good support even when old, by doing exercise and yoga, treat the taking care of the physical body as an investment, the dividends will surely help you when you are old.

+ people may be poorer than you, don't lose your humility with them, remain humble, pride is a strict no, nobody likes a selfish haughty guy at the end of the day

+ wasting money at the salon due to lack of awareness/questioning and also the uncomfortable dress I bought at Levis spending lot of money

1 comment:

ME said...

For Android, the solution is: buy an Android phone and get all updates automatically without wasting time. Icecream is very good :)