Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Understanding is Control

My guru once said -- There are many mystics in the world who have had no formal training and yet seem to unfold inwardly very rapidly simply by learning the 5 states of mind, how to distinguish one from another, and how to move awareness within them consciously and systematically. They are participating in and enjoying some of the benefits of being able to experience step-by-step direct cognition of the five states of mind -- conscious mind, subconscious mind, sub of the subconscious mind, subsuperconscious mind and superconscious mind.

Concentrate upon that mind, observe the thoughts, feelings and actions from within and know that your mind is yours to use to the extent you know how to control it using the will.

Why must you study the mind ?

Why must you study the mind ? because understanding alone is fifty percent control of the mind. This understanding is necessary to impress the subconscious deeply enough to secure awareness so that spiritual strength continues to come from within.

"Understanding is Control"

The way mystics use the mind is like this - When a situation comes up - observe how the conscious mind looks at it. Then they ask how the subconscious mind looks at it. Pondering further they inquire how the super conscious looks at it. Through this process they get the clear picture of what exactly happened and whether it must be taken seriously or not. The situation was perhaps -- just a subconscious reaction such as an anger towards someone -- so you forgive yourself and forget it. The subconscious was the problem in this case.

It is the super conscious intuitive understanding that helps making such judgments.

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