Monday, October 26, 2009

Auto steer mode


That’s how the instinctive mind works when awareness is completely externalized. I lost control over awareness due to some personal problems over the weekend and the instinctive-intellectual mind took over my awareness completely. Life went back into past patterns and habits of living.

Instinctive mind as gurudeva says is -  “It also means that, in the event of an emergency, the animal nature would take over completely, being jarred loose automatically from lack of what I term mind-control, or you might call it self-control.”

There is a tendency for this loss of control over awareness to repeat in 24 hour cycles, weekly cycles and sometimes 6 month or yearly cycles. I plan to perform Vasana daha tantra to get back on ‘track’ from the instinctive-intellectual states.

Aum Namah Sivaya

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